Would they actually kill her?

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Me and Stiles haven't talked since the kiss but I went to visit Lydia at the hospital and I saw him

"Addison right" Melissa says to me
"Yeah your Scott's mom" I look away from Stiles
"Yeah" she says "so what do you need?" Melissa says
"I came here for Lydia" I say looking back at Stiles Lydia's dad came out of her room and looked at him
"He been here all night?" He asked0 me and Melissa
"He been here all weekend" she says I laugh a little and he wakes up
"Addison?" He says sitting up quickly
"Hey" I smile "Been a while" I say walking over to him
"Wanna go get a snack?" He asked
"Sure" I smile standing up Melissa was smiling at us and I hear Stiles say
"Shut up" while smiling he runs and grabs my hand, we make it to the vending machine and get our snacks
"Dang it" Stiles says seeing the food get stuck "get back I got this" he says shaking it
"Stiles your gonna knock it down" I laugh then it falls to the ground and I laugh harder "told yeah" me and Stiles hear a scream
"Lydia" I say running to her room Stiles follows "Move" I say pushing past Melissa and Lydia's dad "Lydia!" I yell barging into the bathroom we all stood there looking at the running shower which Lydia wasn't in we all look around.

In the parking lot

Me and Allison meet up while Stiles goes with Scott
"Come on we are going with them" Allison says
"What if we get caught we aren't supposed to be near him"
"doesn't matter" she says grabbing my arm we stand infront of the jeep
"Oh my god!" I hear Stiles yell Allison goes to the side Scott's on and I to stiles
"Let me in" I say to stiles he gets out
"I don't care she my best friend I came to find her before they do" Allison says getting in the car
"I can find her before the cops do" Scott said
"How about before my father does" I say from the back
"He knows?" Stiles asked
"Yeah I saw him and three other guys leave my house in 2 SUVs" Allison says
"All right, but if she's turning, would they actually kill her?" Stiles asked
"I don't know. They won't tell us anything. Okay, all they say is, "We'll talk after Kate's funeral, when the others get here." I tell Stiles
"What others?" Stiles asked
"I don't know they won't tell us yet" Allison answers
"Okay, your family's got some serious communication issues to work on. Scott, are we going the right way?" Stiles asked
"Take the next right" Scott says his head out the window
"She came here? You sure?" Stiles asked
"Yeah this is were the scent leads" Scott says
"All right but has she ever been here before?" Stiles asked
"Not with me" Allison says
"Me neither" I say "Maybe she came here on instinct, like she was looking for Derek." I shrug
"You mean looking for a pack" Scott says walking
"Yeah wolves need a pack rught?" Allison asked
"Not all of them" Scott says talking about himself
"But would she have been drawn to an Alpha? Is it an instinct to be part of a pack?" I ask
"Yeah we're stronger in packs" Scott says looking around
"Like strength in numbers" Allison says
"No, like - like, literally stronger, faster, better in every way" Scott explains
"That the same for the Alpha?" I asked
"That will make Derek stronger too" Scott says stopping
"Woah hey look at this see this I think it's a trip wire" Stiles pulls It and I see Scott lift off the ground and laugh a little
"Hey Stiles" Scott says
"Yo buddy" Stiles says turning around
"Next time you see a trip wire don't trip it" Scott says hanging upside down
"Noted" Stiles says we walk over to help him out
"Wait wait wait someone's coming hide go" he tells us Stiles grabs be and we hide behind a tree he presses me close to his chest
"Scott?" My dad says walking over to him i was about to say something but Stiles puts his finger on my lip and mouthed "its your dad"
"Mr argent" Scott says hanging upside down still
"How you doing?" My dad asked
"Good just hangin out" Scott says i roll my eyes at his pun and so did Stiles "Is this one of yours? It's, uh, good. Nice design. Very constricting." Scott says making conversation
"What are you doing out here scott?" He asked
"Looking for a Friend" Scott answered
"Ah, that's right. Lydia's in your group now, isn't she? Part of the clique? Is that the word you use? Or is there another way to put it? Part of your pack?" My dad asked
"Actually, clique sounds about right to me." Scott says angerly
"I hope so. 'Cause I know she's a friend of Allison and Addison's, and one special circumstance, such as yourself - one, I can handle. Not two." My dad tells Scott I lay my head on Stiles chest thinking of Lydia
"No?" Scott says
"Scott do you know what hemicorporectomy is?" My dad asked
"I have a feeling I don't want to" Scott says
"A medical term for amputating somebody at the waist. Cutting them in half. Takes a tremendous amount of strength to cut through tissue and bone like that. Let's hope a demonstration never becomes necessary." My dad says walking away when they got a safe amout of distance we ran to Scott
"You okay?" Allison asked
"Just another life threatening conversation with your dad" Scott sighs
"Stiles come help me with this" Allison says I look at Scott who was still upside down
"Do I really have to tell you that you can get out by yourself" I asked
"Oh yeah hey guys" Scott cuts the rope
"Thanks but I got it" he says standing up
"Uhh" Allison says stunded me and Scott walk away
"Comin?" I asked walking away Stiles and Allison ran towards us and we walked away.

At school

I was standing at my locker with my dress and I shut it slowly
"Nice dress" A kid from class says I looked down at his hand
"Thanks Nice camera" I smile
"Not her sister her aunt you know the who was killing all those people" someone behind me says
"You mean the crazy bitch who killed all those people" they looked at me and so does Matt I smile slightly then walk away I feel an arm pull me in a class room it was Scott
"Hey" he says calm
"How did you know?" I asked tears rolling down my cheeks
"I heard your heart beating" Scott says "need me to get Stiles?" I shake my head but he does anyways
"Addison?" Stiles says walking in the class room he sees me crying "Hey what's wrong" he asked walking over to me
"I - I - I - I - I can't - I can't do this. I can't - I can't go to the funeral. Everyone is going to be watching me, and there are going to be cameras there, and I can't -" i say
"Hey hey yes you can you have to stay strong okay everything is going to be fine were going to find Lydia and everything is going to be okay" Stiles says putting his hand on my cheek
"I cant live like this I don't want to live like this" I cry Stiles grabs me and hugs me
"Please don't say that" he says "it's going to be okay" he says pulling away
"Addison I promise I will be there" I look at him
"How well be surrounded" I asked
"I don't know but I'll find a way" he says kissing my cheek and we walk out.

At the funeral

"Mrs. Argent, can we get a few words? Just a few words! A few words, Mrs. Argent!" A reporter yells my mom and dad hold us together pushing past all the people
"Hold it hold it that's enough" Mr Stilinski yells at the reporters
"I knew this was a bad idea" my dad says grabbing my arm lightly
"Well it wasn't my idea" my mom tell him
"I tried telling him but he insisted on making a point" my dad says
"Who?" I asked but they ignored me
"Let's sit down girls" my mom says taking me away from my dad
"Christopher" Someone says to my dad
"Gerard" he says back Gerard walks over to my mom and kisses her cheeks
"I'm so sorry" my mom says to him
"Do you remember me?" Gerard asked me and Allison we shook our heads yes me and Allison looked towards the woods and see Scott and Stiles Gerard looks the same way and I see Stiles hide I laugh a little
"Considering I haven't seen you since you were three, I don't suppose I can assume you'd call me grandpa. So if it's comfortable, call me Gerard for the time being. But I'd prefer grandpa." Gerard told us.

Hunters Become The Hunted 《Stiles Stilinski》//Complete//Where stories live. Discover now