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Evelyn walked up to the graves of her parents.

She could only find tranquility in that one location.

Evelyn groaned sadly. She felt so lonely after the Battle of Hogwarts.
Due to their heroic reputation, the Golden three was appointed to the Ministry.
Her pals were either dead, hiding, or in Azkaban.
And there she was, by herself, in this place.

She was alone. Her brother had already started a family with Ginny Weasley-Potter and had essentially abandoned her.

Nothing remained for her here.

She placed a bunch of lilies on the grave of her parents and sat down slowly.

"I am conscious of the disappointment my choices caused in you both. And I'm certain that you wouldn't have noticed if you were here. However, it is not my fault that my actions and intentions were misunderstood by them.

She placed her head on Lily's grave.
"I would have changed my fate, the fate of my friends, and the fate of the pitiful souls if I ever had the chance to go back and fix my stupid mistakes."

"only if I could"

She slowly closed her eyes, letting a single tear fall as she vanished into a void of sadness.
She was unconscious and entrapped in a deep sleep.



Wake up!!". The familiar voice of Petunia rang out in the hallway.

Evelyn's eyes fluttered open . She slowly got up, only to hit her head. In alert, she searched for her wand to feel a bit of comfort, but in vain.

"What are you looking for, Eve?". The familiar voice of her brother, Harry Potter, startled her.

Turning her head to the right, her brown eyes caught the the vibrant green ones.

"Harry". She muttered softly.

He hummed.
She tilted her head in confusion.

Why did Harry looked like a child?
She looked to herself in shock.
Why was she a child? Moreover, a eleven year old Evelyn.

"Wake up, cousins, we are going to zoo".
The noise of her cousin, Dudly and the dust of the old cupboard, woke her up completely, void of any sleep.

It can't be possible. She was not back in time.
Evelyn's eyes watered up in realization.

Harry's eyes widened in confusion and worriedly asked his sister, "Are you alright, Eve? Why are you crying-".
Before he could say another word, she was already in his arms.

"You are fine and with me. Promise me that you will never leave me". Evelyn cried out, worrying Harry more.

"I promise that I will not leave you but tell me first what happened, Eveie". He softly asked her again, wanting answers of her Sister's distress..

She only looked at him with tearful eyes.

It was Her Harry. The innocent, stupid little brother [by 10 minutes].
Not the manipulated, heroic Harry Potter.

Where was this Harry for years? Oh, that Dumblewhore's fault was it all.

He manipulated her brother.

She softly smiled and ruffle his hair.
He pouted and tried to fix his not so tamed hair.
"Nothing, Harry. It was a nightmare. A very bad one".

"Nightmare? Are you fine, now?".
He quickly asked with a frown.

"Everything is fine and it will be too in the future. Won't let the nightmare haunt me ever".

He smiled at her words.
:if you need help in getting rid of the bad dreams, just tell me and I will help you".

She laughed at the innocence of his.
"Will do, Harry. Will do".

"Harry, Evelyn". Petunia's voice echoed in.

She smiled at the sound of her least favorite aunt. But, it brought peace in her heart. She desperately missed the voice.

"We should go before she again lock us in without food. And, I might starve to death this time"

Evelyn laughed at his enthuastic voice.
Harry left the cupboard as Evelyn stared at empty space.

"Just a nightmare. It will never be reality, over my dead body". She muttered with determination in her eyes.

"Let us rewrite the damn stars".

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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