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Recording – 01

"I... I remember... the first... and last... time... I saw her. I... I'd rather... devour my hand... than... than lay eyes on her again."

The unknown man's hands trembled uncontrollably, his face contorted with sheer terror as if an unseen assailant lurked behind him, poised to plunge a knife into his throat, unleashing a torrent of blood and suffocating him in his blood.

"It... it was... horrifyingly... beautiful... the way she... she... executed everything... like... like a twisted art... a massacre. And... and there she stood... in the midst of it all... like a... like a demon... dressed in... in pure white."

A chilling laughter escaped his trembling lips.

"The piano... soaked in blood... in... in a white cloak... she played... she played... calmly. I... I dared not breathe... fearing her wrath. But she... she knew... she knew I was there... she knew... I was alive. And as she struck... the final note... she... she grinned... a malicious, haunting grin. I... I thought it was... the end... but... but she... she spared me. I... I don't know... why... and... and I... I don't care to know."

His eyes locked onto the recording device, his fingers tapping frantically on the chair's handle.

"I... I don't know... who... who you are... or what you... you want from her. But... but listen... it's... it's dangerous... don't... don't provoke Leona. It's... it's best... to never... never cross paths with her."

{The tape ends}

Recording – 02


A woman in her forties with fair skin looked straight into the camera, her expression filled with annoyance.

"Let me tell you about Leona, that conniving little brat. She walked down the stairs like she owned the whole damn place, killing everyone except me. Can you believe this?"

She snorted, scratching her nose as if it were bothering her, before bursting into laughter.

"I mean, seriously, can you believe it? I know I'm important, and maybe she had some task in mind for me, but she never bothered to reach out. It's downright disrespectful, don't you think?"

As she spoke, she absentmindedly picked at her nails, a self-satisfied grin spreading across her face.

"But you know what? As much as I hate to admit it, I admire her. Sometimes, I wish I could be just like her. Anyway, stop whatever you're up to because you might end up dead. We're talking about Leona here. Huh? What are you doing? Wait! Hey, stop..."

{The tape abruptly ends.}

Baffled, they rubbed their head in confusion, their eyes locked on the brightly decorated board. They couldn't help but focus on the pictures of Leona scattered across the board. Then, a sudden realization struck them.

A wave of unease swept over them as they grasped the reason. Leona wasn't the type to show mercy. She spared them for a purpose. Leona does not spare them kindly. 

She allows them to live long enough to tell her tales.

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