pocket nostalgia 2

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Ever have those urges to go back to the way things were? Ever think intently on the past and the reasons for why times could have been much better; just believing that the older days are more sought after? I believe that the longing for the past which we share are at times reflective of the simpler times which were had. 

In general, many childhoods are filled with fond memories, whether it be adventures, sad times, tender moments, etc. all of such are formed and create the memories which you look back on. By looking back on days where things were less complicated than they are now, many often cherish the times they had in their later years, wishing for days when things were much simpler. If anything, it is a time capsule, locked in the minds of many, and within that capsule, it holds the memories that of which cannot be compared, or replaced. In that sense, we all share this longing, and some even go as far as to recreate that longing, but soon enough that becomes an obsession and they do not realize that with time, you have to accept what has happened, what has occurred, and move forward, while holding that capsule in your mind, cherishing it, but never chasing after that feeling again. 

To be more specific, there have been times where people act like children, or mimic the attitudes that they have remembered, or attempt to stay locked in the time period they were in because they want to recreate that feeling, or they just do not want to accept the truth that they are getting old, and the older things that are now long gone, they must accept and move forward with life. Many cannot accept such a reality, and instead would rather stay locked in that pocket of nostalgia, knowing that they are a foreigner to their existence, and can never truly become what they were. 

In the stages of life you either love or hate them, and in general, the childhood years are the most loved, because they are something that cannot be emulated whatsoever. 

Nonetheless, those feelings are fleeting, but are some of the most cherished and cared for imaginable. Those dreams and memories floating around and bringing you back to a time of no worries is something that can never really be replicated whatsoever. 

Some get stuck in that pocket, however, and that is what leads them downs negative paths. However, while we all have to grow up at some point, opening up that old door and revisiting the land of memories and nostalgia is something that all must have to do at some point.

Such beautiful longings for the past are such gems. Such treasures.

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