chapter 1 post trial

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MonoElijah: and it seems you have gotten it correct, the murderer of Henry hart the ultimate sidekick was none other than princess bubblegum the ultimate scientist!

Spongebob: (the room was silent, it was still unbelievable that someone who actively told us not to kill was now a cold blood killer standing before us)

Princess bubblegum:...

Charlotte:...s-so it's true?

Princess bubblegum:...yes unfortunately it's the truth


Spongebob: (Charlotte had a sad look on her face which I can understand, her and Henry seemed close I know I'd be devastated if I lost Patrick)

Barbara: y-you-
Barbara: YOU B####

MonoElijah: HEY what did I say about not swearing!

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MonoElijah: HEY what did I say about not swearing!


Kenzie: h-hey let's calm down okay?

Barbara: WHY SHOULD I CALM DOWN! SHE KILLED HENRY H-hes...he's never coming back

Spongebob: (Barbara  then fell to her knees and started crying, which makes me feel even more bad)

Darwin: but why would you do something like that

Princess bubblegum:...well...I guess I do owe you guys an explanation *sigh* very see.....the motive wasn't exactly when I started
Princess bubblegum:...considering murder

Spongebob: (after that sentence I'm pretty sure a majority of the room was shocked, I don't think any of us would have considered her to be the one to consider murder before the motive)

Clarence: w-what! Why I thought you were our friend!

Jeff: we haven't even known her for a week but whatever

Princess bubblegum: I also considered you guys friends and I didn't want to have to sacrifice you guys

Gumball: then why did it take so long to do it?

Princess bubblegum: well you see whenever I considering "doing it" I always decided against it for one main reason...well technically two

Lori: and what was it?

Princess bubblegum:.....finn & Jake


Princess bubblegum: oh yeah I forgot you don't know them well basically there two heros who have saved me and my kingdom countless times before so I thought I could trust them to protect it until we escaped
Princess bubblegum:...but then the motive happened

Eileen: oh yeah didn't you say you saw your kingdom on it?

Princess bubblegum: yes I did but that's not all that I saw

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