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Welp, tommorrow is our big day! And I'm celebrating it alone again...  I can't even be mad anymore. I'm sure you've forgotten all about me by now. But whatever, happy 20th anniversary Lucas...

Tonight me and Cassy are going to sneak out and go to some old-timey hangout spot. It was mostly used by couples, but once a boy's body was found there, everyone suddenly avoided that spot like the plauge. Some say the area was haunted by the boy who passed, but that was obviously just a rumor. However, it was exactly what Cassy wanted to find out. According to her, this'll be a day that neither of us will forget. Whatever that means.

I zipped up my backpack and jumped out my window. Thank god my house only had one story or else I would have chickened out.

I waited for Cassy at the street she told me to meet her at. When I saw no sign of her, I pulled out my phone and scrolled for a while.

"Hey stupid!" Her hushed yell was enough to get me to drop my phone from the scare and when I go to pick it up, there was a decently sized crack in the bottom corner of my screen.

"Goddamit Cass! Your paying for a new screen!" My tone came off more hostile than I expected, but when she saw my sarcastic grin she just snickered.

"Hehe, yea yea I'll give you my card later. But look! I found the spot!" And with that she grabbed me by the wrist and took off running. Only letting go when we reached a fence with a giant yellow 'DEAD END' sign. As I begun to turn around, Cassy suddenly ran straight forward and jumped onto the fence. Making a loud shaking sound as she did. Not like it stopped her from beginning to climb though.

"Are you phsyco!? It says dead end!!" For once I was the cautious one as I was frantically looking around begging to god that nobody heard her.

"If you were a couple, and you wanted to take things to the next level... wouldn't you want some privacy? Some place no adult would look?" I felt my cheeks flush and Cassy gave a smug smile as she jumped off the fence and landed in the bush that was on the other side. I followed after her.
On the other side of the fence was a small forest with a creek that seemingly had no end. I was never an active nature enjoyer, but man was this a really nice sight. The way the bright stars iluminated the forest as their reflections shimmered in the water giving it the illusion of a glow was breath taking. It had the same feeling of an enchanted forest and i had to admit, kids back then had good taste. I'd probably wanna take my future boyfriend here for our first time too.

You know what? Not just our first time. I'd want to spend every minute I possibly can here with them. Whoever it is. I wanna do everything with them here. I wanna play in the water, watch the stars, catch fireflies, go on dates, have arguments, propose, and so so oh so much more here. It's brutal such a place like this had a tragedy happen.

I had gotten so lost in my own fantasy that I had completly lost sight of Cassy. "Cass?! Dude where are you?!" In response, she turns on her flashlight so I can see which direction she went in and I follow after her.

When I finally catch up, we continue walking until we reach the center of the forest. There's a giant tree with lanterns and fireflies surrounding it. Behind it, the creek continued to shine beautifully.

The place was gourgeous yet... desserted. There were cobwebs attached to almost every item that was still here. Incuding a picnic basket, a blanket that was still stained with the...excitment... of past couples and a lighter which still had fluid. I used it to light the lanterns and give life back to the area.

"Well then," I turned to Cassy with a toothy grin. Which was very out of character for me. "Let's debunk the rumors once and for all."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2022 ⏰

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