Chapter 2

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Gage's P.O.V.

"Do you have everything you are gonna need until we can bring the rest to you in a month?" daddy asks worriedly as he frets near me as we stand in the driveway next to my red Chevy S-10.

"I promise I have everything I will need, daddy," I  assure him with a smile. "You and papa do not need to bring the rest since I won't have room as I will be sharing the bunk house with two other people."

Daddy sniffles while rapidly trying to blink away the tears that are in his blue eyes; "Okay. Can papa and I still visit you in a month?"

"Of course you can as long as Mr. and Mrs. Edwards are alright with that, and you let me know early enough to give them warning," I tell them with a bright smile as I hug them tightly.

"I need to be leaving now, or I am gonna be late," I tell them after a couple of minutes.

"Okay, son," papa sadly answers as we pull apart. "Please let us know when you arrive at the 'Edwards' Ranch'."

"I will, I promise," I assure them as I pull open the drivers' side door to climb inside with a wave. "I love you both."

"We love you, too!" they reply with a wave of their hands as I shut the door, and start the engine.

As I pull away, I look through the rear view mirror to see daddy crying into papa's chest. Two hours later, I arrive at the 'Edwards' Ranch' driveway, and the place is huge from what I can see. Parking next to another red Chevy S-10 with a grin, turning off the engine, pulling the keys to place these in my front right pocket before climbing out, and shutting the door behind me.

Walking toward the house, stopping at the front door, take a deep, calming breath that I slowly let out as I knock on the door. I only have to wait a couple of minutes before the door is opened. I am struck stupid for several seconds by the beautiful young man who is standing in front of me. He looks a little younger than me with piercing blue eyes, that of the sky, dark brown hair that looks black that is combed forward toward his eyes. His skin is pale like freshly fallen snow, and looks perfect.

"H-hello, a-are y-you G-gage M-mcCoy? the beautiful boy cutely stammers in a soft, sweet voice, and a light pink blush coating his entire body.

"Yes, I am," I reply with what I hope is a reassuring smile as I am trying to put him at ease with me. "And you are?"

"I a-am J-jace E-edwards," he answers with a tiny smile as he takes a step back, opening the door wide enough for me to enter the house. "P-please c-come in-inside."

Stepping inside the ranch style home that is elegantly decorated, and coming to a stop next to him, I realize how he is adorably smaller than me. He looks to be around 5'7" compared to my 6'.

"Nana! Pop-op! Mister McCoy is here!" Jace calls out without a stutter as he continues to shyly smile at me.

An older male and female walk into the foyer, and Mr. Edwards greets me with a warm, friendly smile; "Hello, Mr. McCoy. Please come inside, so we can discuss a few things first."

"Of course, Mr. Edwards," I nod with a gentle smile toward him, and his wife as I follow them into the kitchen where we sit at the large table.

They are sitting down across from me with reassuring smiles, and Mrs Edwards speaks this time; "Thank you for joining our family, and family business. After we fill out a few forms, Jace will show you around, and help you take your belongings to the bunk house."

Nodding at her; "Thank you, ma'am."

We then fill out the needed paperwork before Mr. Edwards is calling for Jace to join us again about thirty minutes later.

"Gage, this is our grandson Jace," Mr. Edwards introduces with a fond smile toward Jace.

"Hello Jace, it is nice to meet you again," I gently greet with a smile toward the shy boy in front of me.

"H-hello a-again, s-sir," he shyly greets with pretty pink tinted cheeks. "A-are y-you r-ready for a t-tour?"

"Yes, I am," I answer with a bigger smile. "Please, lead the way."

Jace slightly nods as he heads toward the front door with me following close behind him, but I hope far enough back that I am not making him further uncomfortable with my presence. Once off of the enclosed front porch that has a wooden swing that is big enough to seat two, he leads me toward a big red barn. I find out that is the horse with six stalls, and he tells me that there are six horses that are currently in the corral that is attached to a side of the barn, and the gate in the barn is shut. He also takes me to see all of their many animals, and the gigantic vegetable garden as he softly explains everything to me as we go along.

I wonder why he is so shy, and soft spoken? Is it just his natural personality, or did something horrible make him this way. I hope it is the first because then that just adds too his adorableness, but if it is the second, for some reason I have a deep seeded need in my soul to protect and care for him.

I have never felt this protective over anyone in my life, especially over someone who I have literally just met. I have some protectiveness over my parents, but nothing like this as they have each other to care, and protect each other. I hope that Jace will grace me with his friendship one day soon, as I would love to become his friend, and get to know him better. I have the warmest feeling around this young man, and I love it, yet find it slightly strange.

Down on the RanchOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant