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They get the letters

Jack throws away the letter

Everyone except him shows up to a cafe

They start talking

Nova suggests they do as the letter asks and make the team

Dari agrees

Ari "I don't see why not"

Cavi "This will help me get more girls, so sure!" He smiles

His smile is so pretty even after he said such a petty thing, Dari complains about it and lays on the table

Nova mentions there was five ppl mentioned in the letter, but there were only four there

"Maybe they were busy"

Out of boredom, Ari suggests to track them down

They figure out who is who in the letter

They all guess who it could be until Arian says he could just use a spell to see who fits the qualifications and it'd be easy since no one knew what a "Macgyver" was so if one person calls another by it, it will tag them immediately

Cavi notes that that's strong magic

Ari says he got bored so he learned it one day

Someone in a different booth who had been listening in suddenly realizes how powerful that group is

He says "Locate Macgyver" and his eyes glow purple

He says it's the local blacksmith, Jack Grave

Cavi says he's a friend and they leave the cafe to go to him

They arrive and cavi puts his arm around Jacks shoulders and greets him

Jack ignores him and shoves him off saying he has work to do

Nova asks if he got the letter

Jack didn't read it so he didn't know what they were talking ab

Nova wonders if it got lost in the mail

Dari notices a pile of unopened letters

He checks it out and finds the letter

"What letter are you talking about?!" Jack angrily screams at the crew.

"This one." Dari says as he holds the letter between his fingers. "It was in that pile over there."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2022 ⏰

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