Coffee girl part 3: Not so shy

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A/N: Sorry!!! I've been away for a couple days I'm going to introduce some characters like Dre's roommate and more taylor! (Btw Dre is short for Andrea and it's pronounced DRAY) I hope it's good! I know it's not very well written but I do love to write :) I don't have any particular idea for this chapter so I'm going to write as I think, anyway I was trying to keep the story clean but I may add a little NSFW here and there .... Lubs y'all

Dre's POV:
It has occurred to me that I've only officially known Elvis for 24 hours. Yet, here I lay in bed with him, with a headache and many questions. I didn't even bother checking the time, I was certain it was past noon. Thoughts and images from last night came flooding through my head. I sang, not only in front of a house full of people but Elvis, I got blasted last night as well. I was hoping I didn't make a fool out of myself. My stomach did a flip-flop remembering that after only a few hours of being with Elvis, he said the most beautiful things to me..and he truly believed in me. My stomach did an even bigger flip remembering that we kissed, it wasn't just any kiss. This is the kind of kiss you see in those old romance films, my first kiss was something to definitely remember. Was this all going too fast? I've only known him for a day yet I feel like I've connected with him, I feel like I've known him my whole life. I was confused, I wasn't having doubts, but I was confused. I decided to check the time.
12:26 pm
It was a bit late. Then I really panicked, did me and Elvis have sex?! I looked down at what I was wearing, I was still in my dress, I looked over the bed and my shoes were on the ground with a pile of neatly folded clothes. Had he put out some clean clothes for me? All nerves out the door, I knew I had to wake Elvis up, I had too many questions.
"E-elvis" I whispered softly. Nothing. I put my hand on his chest. "Elvis?" I said a little louder. He stirred and slightly turned towards me still with his eyes shut. He was so beautiful, his hair was a little tousled and some of it fell over his eyes. His lips were so plump, I wanted to kiss them, I wanted to devour them. He had such unique features, I wanted to stare at him forever. He looked different when he slept I could almost envision what he looked like as a boy, I wondered if we all looked young and innocent while we slept.
"Are you gonna stare at me all day?" He asked. His accent was so deep and his morning voice was raspy. I giggled at him feeling shy again. "I might" I said softly. His eyes remained shut. "Mmm" he mumbled. "Elvis?" I needed to ask him if we slept together.
I looked down again at what I was wearing then at what he had on, he on the other hand had hardly any clothes on, nothing but black pajama pants that sat pretty low on his waist. He wasn't the most muscular but he was defined and I had the urge to trace my hands over his dips and muscles.
"Hmm?" He asked.
"U-uh, did we?" I started. "Did we what?"he asked smirking, still with his eyes closed. "Did we s-sleep, d-did we, y-you know?" I sounded so stupid, 'you're a grown woman Dre, just say sex' I thought to myself. He chuckled and his eyes fluttered open, his eyes were so blue and they were quick to lock with my own. He propped him self on his elbow. " We'll don't hurt yourself trying to say sex" he said looking up at me with a grin. "And what if we did, Dre?" He asked still smirking. My heart skipped a beat, did we really? My first time and I don't remember a thing! My eyes got wide and I jumped off the bed to check myself, I didn't know what I was checking for, but I was checking. Elvis scooted to the edge of the bed and grabbed my hand.
"No Dre, we didn't." He said pulling me down on the bed. "I'm a gentleman, I wouldn't take advantage of you, you were drunk. I did however get to share an amazing kiss with you, and I'd love to share another with you if you'd let me." He was so sweet with me and so gentle. I smiled at him and sighed in relief. He reached up at me and his thumb glided under my eye. "Here, you have some makeup under your eye." I pushed him aside and ran to the bathroom to look at my self. I cringed at my reflection. "Oh my God Elvis! I look like a raccoon!" I yelled from the bathroom. My hair wasn't as messy as I thought, but it lost all its volume. I finger combed it to try and make it look presentable. I felt a sudden wave of insecurity and put my face into my hands. Elvis walked in yawning and he leaned against the sink, looking at me.
"You're beautiful." He said to me. I just looked at him. He looked so stunning and he didn't even have to try. I inhaled sharply.
"No Elvis, I'm a disaster." I said trying to get the makeup off from under my eyes. He shook his head and grabbed a small washcloth and ran it under the faucet. "Dre, you're beautiful. I don't want to hear you saying nonsense about yourself, I won't have it." He said bending down to my height. He started to take the remaining make up off. He had one hand holding the back of my head and the other softly wiping my face. I couldn't help but stare at him, he was so focused, his eyes were squinted slightly and his tongue sat in the corner of his mouth in concentration. I put my hand on his to stop him from wiping, I wanted to look at him. He patiently watched me watch him.
"So, you are gonna stare at me all day." He said staring right back at me. I smiled at him and he backed me up against the sink and put his hands on my hips lifting me onto the sink. He continued wiping my makeup off. He cleared his throat.
"What if I said I don't want to let you leave? That i'd like to keep you here with me?" He asked me, and started to finger comb my hair. I looked up at him flashing him a huge smile, making my dimple pop out. He ran his thumb over it and smiled back at me.
"Well I'd say that you're responsible for explaining to my roommate about my whereabouts, but I'm warning you, she'll give you a mouthful even if you are Elvis Presley." I said to him pointing a finger at his chest.
"Oh she would now, would she? Well, I'll just have to explain to her that you're the one that crawled into bed with me, I'll just have to tell her you pursued me." He said pointing back at me, I gasped. "I did not!" I said pushing him lightly. He laughed and explained to me that I stayed in his room to relax, and he went to enjoy the party for a little longer and when he came back I was fast asleep. So, he put me in bed and said it'd be a waste to not crawl right next to me and spend the night beside me.
"There, see? You're still absolutely stunning." He said. I looked at my plain face and sighed. "Now, say you'll spend the day with me, we'll get you cleaned up and we can lay in bed the whole day." He was very convincing, perhaps I would.
"Mr. Presley, we only met yesterday! It wouldn't be proper of us now would it?" I teased. "It just don't seem like we met yesterday, does it?" He said brushing hair out of my face. I nodded my head in agreement, he felt the same way I did. I agreed to stay with him but told him he was responsible for calling my roommate, Viviana.
He let me get cleaned up in his bathroom and I changed into one of his plain black t-shirts and some grey boxer briefs. He came back when I was finished ,with his hair gelled back and was wearing a reddish/purple robe with his initials embroidered on the left side.
"You look ravishing in my clothes." He said beaming at me.
"Should we call this protective roommate of yours?" He asked walking towards the telephone. "Yes, we should." I walked over to him and he dialed the number I gave him. I got on my tiptoes and put my ear close to Elvis and the phone to listen to the conversation. The phone rang a couple times and a voice on the other line spoke.
"Hello?" It was Viv.
"Good afternoon is this Miss Viviana?" He asked politely.
"Yes, who am I speaking to?"
"This is Elvis, Elvis Presley. I just wanted to call to tell you that your roommate Dre is in safe hands and that she was put in no harm and was taken cared of."
There was silence.  Then after a while she spoke.
"Oh really? Well tell me Mr. Presley, is Frank Sinatra there too? Do you think I was born yesterday? Where's Dre, who's she with?" She asked raising her voice at him. I was holding in my laughter.
"No ma'am, I do believe Frank left last night, but I'll be sure to put in a good word." He said very seriously.
I started to burst out laughing and she must've of heard me.
"Dre, honey? What happened? Why didn't you come home!? Are you alright? Stay where you are, I'll come get you! If he touched you I'll come after him!" Me and Elvis were both laughing. I explained everything to her and she was silent for a while.
"So you're with Elvis? Elvis Presley?" She asked.
"Mmhmm, I'm still in shock myself." I said smiling at Elvis, who also had his ear at the phone listening in.
"Well hot damn." She finally said.
"I promise, she's in very good hands ma'am." He said once again very politely.
"Dre, maybe you should come home?" She had always been protective of me, always made sure I was okay and not in harms way. I loved her for it but I needed some sense of adventure.
"V, I'm safe. I'll come home, but right now I'd like to stay with Mr.Presley, alright?"
"Call me if you need anything... I mean it." She said very seriously.
"And Dre?"
"Yes V?" I asked.
"Please use protection." She said quietly. My eyes got wide and I pushed Elvis away in case she said anything else embarrassing. He started laughing as he stumbled back. I slammed the phone down and nervously smiled at him.
"Sorry about her, she's just...protective." I said quickly.
"I like her." He said still laughing. 
I walked over to him and pushed him again.
"Elvis, it's not funny!" I said to him as I kept pushing him back.
"I find it hilarious! Hey, quit pushing!" He said pushing me back. I started laughing and we  started shoving each other around.
"You're gonna lose this fight, little girl!" He said, and with one swift movement he threw me over his shoulder and spun me around. "Surrender Dre!" He said as I squirmed around in his grasp. "Never!!"
He shrugged and walked me over to the bed and slammed me down. I was giggling uncontrollably. Before I could get away he straddled me and pinned my arms above my head. I bit my lip and looked into his eyes.
"Forfeit doll, let's face it, I won." He said in a low voice getting closer to my face. I shoved him hard enough for him to let go of me and with all my strength I managed to flip us around and I was now straddling him. Where I found the confidence to be doing this, I had no idea, but it didn't last very long. He cocked an eyebrow at me, and I knew he was waiting for my next move. I quickly became shy again, I wanted to kiss him so badly. I sat there on his waist and placed my hands on the belt of his robe and fumbled with it. He grabbed my chin and lifted my face to meet his.
"What's your next move, baby?" He asked tracing his hand down my neck and stopped at the neckline of my shirt. He moved his hand to my shoulder and traced it down my arm and then down to my finger tips, sending electricity down my body. He laced his fingers with mine and grabbed my other hand holding both my hands in one of his. He sat up and flipped us around so that I was back on the bed, still with my hands in his. With one hand he had my arms pinned above my head again, and with his other hand he held my hip and squeezed it. I slightly jumped in surprise and met his gaze. He gave me a lustful look and ran his thumb up and down my hip still holding me.
ELVIS's POV: (a little bit of smu+)
I wanted every bit of her, but she was still so innocent. I'd be patient with her and wait as long as she needed. I looked at her with desire and her big brown eyes met my blue ones. She gave me the same look but I'm not sure she knew she was. Lord, what was she doing to me? She batted her eyelashes at me a couple times and I bent down to kiss the corner of her mouth. I squeezed her hip again and she squirmed ever so slightly. I trailed my hand down to her thigh and lifted her leg and she wrapped it around my waist, her other leg doing the same. With her legs wrapped around me she pulled my body down even closer to hers.
"Careful baby, this is a dangerous game you're playing.." I told her softly. She rubbed her leg against my waist.
"I know what I'm doing." She whispered.
Oh, she was driving me wild.
"Quit teasing." I said and pushed my lips on hers finally relieving some tension. I tried to adjust as I felt my self starting to grow. I didn't want to scare her away but she only tightened her legs around me.
She deepened the kiss and our lips began to move. She kissed me with so much passion and I reciprocated. I opened her mouth with mine ever so slightly and licked her bottom lip asking for entrance. She hummed in approval, letting my tongue explore her mouth. I let go of her hands and they immediately tugged at my hair. I groaned against the kiss and my hands met her waist again. I kissed the corner of her mouth and kissed down her neck. She started to squirm once my lips found a spot under her ear. I pressed my lips firmly on that very spot and took it in between my teeth then began sucking. She gasped softly and a perfect moan escaped her lips. She pressed her body even closer to mine. I worked on that spot and softs moans fell out of her mouth as I bit down on her neck softly. Even her moans were beautiful, everything she was doing was sending me into a frenzy. I was now fully hard and she took notice. She quickly pulled away from me and dropped her legs from my waist. She gulped and looked at me shyly.
"It's ok darlin, you're ok." I reassured her. She bit down on her lip, unsure of what to do.
"We don't have to do anything I know you're not ready, I just can't control if this happens, you just do it to me." I told her pressing my forehead on hers. She nodded and kissed me softly once more.
"Don't be scared, ok? You did nothing wrong, you're incredible." I reassured her once again. It turned me on how shy she got at her giving me an erection. I wondered about the real thing, how she would react to me. I planned on taking it slow with her, I didn't want to mess anything up. She truly was perfect. She cleared her throat.
"Elvis?" She spoke quietly.
"Yes baby?" I said caressing her face.
"I'm hungry." She said with a giggle.
"Yeah doll, me too." I told her.
"I'll bet mama has something good cooking." I said knowing that she probably did. I had told mama and daddy about Dre and daddy was very gracious about it, mama on the other hand said
'You know the lord is watching you, Boobie' but told me to show my southern hospitality and be polite.
Dre nodded her head and smiled at me.
"C'mon, you can meet my mama and daddy, they'll adore you!" I said getting up and adjusting myself.
I couldn't wait to have her for the day! like I had said, I was falling for her fast.
A/n: sorry the end is rushed it's 2:50am
but it got a little steamyyyyyyyyy I'll think of something for chapter 4 so its a little more planned :) sorry it's so long! I should've mentioned her performance from the party but it slipped my mind I'll think of something soon. Goodnight 😘

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