Out of Touch

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!Spoiler Alert! (This has spoilers of Chapters 10 and 11 of FNF: Many years later. Make sure to read those chapters first before reading this)

Trigger Warning: Mentions of t*4um4, d*4th and loneliness.

Woke up on the wrong side of you this morning

When Rschvania or Rsch for short, woke up, she felt her lover's arms around her. "Morning, Krusy." Rsch said as she turned to her lover, Krusveto or Krus for short, who was smiling at her.

"Good morning, love." Krusveto said, kissing her forehead.

Said some things last night in the heat of the moment

You always forgive

How could I forget?

You've been in my bed when I need somebody

"You don't have to wait for me to wake up, Krusy." Rsch said. "You know how much of a heavy sleeper I am."

"I know." Krus said. "But I want to."

"Why?" Rsch asked.

"I like watching you sleep." Krus said.

"That's a bit creepy, but okay." Rsch said. Krus chuckled and pulled her in for a kiss, which she returned.

Yeah, I put you through some things

But at least it ain't boring

"Я тебя люблю. (I love you)" Krusveto said as he and Rsch pulled away from the kiss. "Я люблю тебя всем сердцем. (I love you with all my heart)"

"Gushy romantic." Rsch chuckled.

"I can't help it." Krus said. Rsch rolled her eyes and pecked him on the lips before getting out of bed to take a shower. Just as her hand had reached the knob, Rsch had gotten dizzy and leaned on the wall for support.

Who's gonna tell me I'm out of touch

When the lights come on and I'm still messed up?

"Are you okay, Rsch?" Krus asked.

"I'm fine." Rsch said, shaking off the dizziness and walking inside the bathroom. Krus sighed. Rsch was VERY stubborn and it was hard to get her to let him help her. Not wanting to leave his lover in case she would get dizzy again and collapse and he wouldn't be there, he sat there and waited for her to finish her shower.

It's true

I hope it's you


"Seriously?" Rsch asked once she had come out of the bathroom and saw that Krus was sitting on the bed and wasn't outside. Her hair was wet and a dark gray towel was wrapped around her.

"I won't look at you when you're changing." Krus said. "I just want to be sure that you're going to be okay."

"I'll be fine, Krusy." Rsch said. "You worry too much."

Who's gonna call me on all my crap

When I go too far and you're sick of it?

Rsch got dizzy again after getting her clothes in the closet and collapsed on her way to the bed. Krus immediately went over to her, picked her up bridal style and put her down on the bed.

It's true

I hope it's you

He got her clothes that fell on the floor, put it on the bed and turned away from her. Rsch dried her hair with the towel and changed, silently reprimanding herself for being too stubborn and scared to accept help from Krus as she did so.

Out of Touch (Rschvania x Krusveto fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now