' i saw her! '

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Before this story starts i'd like to say this is my first time writing a story, and my grammer might not be good but ignore it! Anyways enough chit-chat lets get on with the story!

' Myla! ' i heard my mom call, i turned around and began walking twords our house, i heard a tree branch break and turned around. I saw a pretty lady levitating off the ground! It was a really cool thing to see if you never saw it, i mean she looked really cool! She had soft brown hair with tiny blue highlights, he hair was also in a bun. She was wearing this school outfit? Well it looked cool still, it was a brownish dress with a tan/white shirt under it, she had white socks on and brown shoes. She looked over at me and smiled before waving and disappearing! I heard my mom call me one more time, i ran inside to tell my mom what i saw.

' mom! Guess what i saw outside!! ' i said excitingly.

' what was it? Was it a bunny? '

' no mom! It was a levitating lady! She was flying! It was so cool! '

My mom laughed and told me it was probably an imaginary friend, but i knew it wasn't. Why didn't she believe me? It made me sad how she didn't believe what i saw, maybe its because shes an adult! Adults are boring. I finished eating and went up to my room to get changed, i went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. After that i got ready for bed, and laid down, slowly falling asleep.

       End of chapter one!!

I think this is pretty good! It was really fun writing this first chapter, i'll probably be working on the next chapter when this gets posted! - July 20th 2022 3:53 words are 310 

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