Roller skating dream

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Tamashiro was taking Kota roller skating and of course Shino came along because they needed an adult by their side

Tamashiro: alright ready for this

Kota: I guess

Got their skates on

Kota: *gulp* I don't have amazing balance

Tamashiro: don't worry honey I'll help you out ok *stands up* alright just try

Kota: ok shouldn't be to hard *try's to get up* to scared

Tamashiro: ugh your such a kid *grunts and helps him up* there now remember it's just like walking

Kota: on roller skates idiot!

Tamashiro: well yeah just hold on to my hand ok

Kota: your guiding me right

Tamashiro: of course silly now just simple take one step on the floor

Both them got on the floor

Kota: this floor looks spiller *shivers*

Tamashiro: it's perfectly fine just follow my steps ok

Kota: ok

Kota follow his every steps one by one and getting hang of it

Kota: well this is pretty easy

Tamashiro: see all it is just little training

Kota: yeah I know

Tamashiro: since your getting use to it wanna dance

Kota: in front of people

Tamashiro: yes

Kota: ugh *sigh* fine hold my hand both of my hands then

Tamashiro: yes your majesty and people say always have respect for ladies *joked*

Kota: again with the not so funny jokes *growls*

Tamashiro: fine fine sorry let's do it ready

Kota: I'm ready for it now

They started to danced and Shino recorded them

Shino: awww so cute this is totally going to make such good memories when they grow up

Kota: wow this is so fun

Tamashiro: tell me about it

Kota: man I hope we stay same age forever

Tamashiro: well babe that's your wish because we're going grow up anyways

Kota: aw damn

Tamashiro: watch your mouth sweetheart

Kota: well I'm sorry


Kota: wow so fun I think I'm getting use to skating

Tamashiro: alright my water flower your getting use to it so proud of you

Kota: don't call me water flower

Tamashiro: water flower

Kota: I don't feel like embarrassing you

Tamashiro: ok but do you wanna go for one more round

Kota: yeah this is so fun

Shino: so how's the two love couples doing~

Kota: doing fine thank you *grunts at her*

Tamashiro: embarrassment is always a hassle

Kota: shut up

Tamashiro: sorry

Soon they went for one more round

Kota: ok ok that's enough I think my legs can't take it anymore

Tamashiro: alright I'm with you babe but all this makes me hungry

Kota: yeah

Tamashiro: I kinda what to eat pizza

Kota: same

All three of them are pizza together

Kota: you didn't record right

Shino: oh I did

Kota: ugh I shouldn't ask such stupid question

Tamashiro: babe it's ok that your embarrassed

Kota: no it's not I don't like to be embarrassed

Soon later they leave

Kota: thanks for teaching me how to skate

Tamashiro: no prob sugar I'll see you tomorrow at the park ok

Kota: sure thing

Soon they leave the skating ring.

Young for love Tamashiro x KotaWhere stories live. Discover now