Chapter 1 A kiss

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Steve had sat down on a squeeky chair near the window, because he's definitely still in High School. Bored, unable to grasp on whatever words coming out of Mr. Mundy's mouth and scraped down with the braincell loosing sound of grainy white chalk on a blackboard. It had to be the longest math lecture ever.

His brain was too set on something else, his twin.
Sitting just across from him with his epic length half hard during math class was Steve 'The Hair' Harrington, it's true. His perfectly curled hair lying neatly on his head, how pale skin complemented his outfit - a jean jacket, even darker jeans, converse and a neatly ironed collared shirt.
Sure, Steve was wearing the same thing as Steve but it always looked better on him.

Once the bell had rang Steve went searching for his lov— I mean brother, Beve— I mean Steve Harrington.
As he walked up to Steve in the dead end corridor where his locker is he grabbed Steve's hips (don't lie) and whispered into his neck 'Hey baby,' he bit his bottom lip slightly 'meet me at Skull Rock.'


'Hey dude there's this thing at Mike's can you come it's super super import-' Dustin rambled 'Hey! Steve! Wait up! Wher- Shit.'
Steve had walked out of school and ran past Dusty Bun not even taking a second look, he just needed to get to Skull Rock. He made his way through the path and saw his lover sitting there up against a tree. 'What's up Stevie?' Steve asked seductively. 'Nothing much pretty boy.'

Steve connected his lips with Steve's. Steve carresses his hand, placing it in the warmth of his own, 'Baby,' he starts. 'you know we can't.' as Steve starts to pout he stares into his eyes which definitely have colour in them and the Author didn't just forget what colour they are because they are definitely most likely a light hue with blue tones. Steve leans in more growls in his ear. His boyfriend sighed, 'But I can make an acception.' They're lips connect again and sparks fly as the rush of fear doing what they know is wrong overrides their pleasure.

When they make it back to Steve's car still in the school parking lot the boys are both exausted. Steve turns on the radio as it blasts 'Sweet Home Alabama' before he quickly changes the station.

When they get there Steve turns the keys 'Where have you two been? It's almost 11 pm.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2022 ⏰

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