Anne's Freshman Letter

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Kindred Spirits - @gilbertblytheswife1
Chapter 1 . Freshman year of college, Anne's letter

Dearest Gilbert,
    I have only just arrived to Queens this week. I haven't nearly finished unpacking all of my belongings. I know I should be thinking about subjects that will be of more importance for my education, but I can not seem to keep my thoughts from wandering to you. Gilbert, that day you ran to me before I left, I realized that I have fallen in love. How lucky am I to be in love with Gilbert Blythe? And even more luck has come unto me in the sense that you see me in the same extraordinary view. Oh, how I've been wishing that this is not only an illusion to my mind. I have been pinching myself since I arrived at university to be sure that this is truly reality.
    I hope that all is well at Redmond. Please do tell me what medical schooling is like, although I doubt that you have been doing much schooling in this first week. Here at Queens, we have been doing anything but. The girls and I cannot settle down long enough for a complete class, however we have not been losing any useful education. For now, the professors are simply doing introductions. University will take a lot of adjustment.
    Our professors are extremely kind. Well, most are. I have one who reminds me largely of Mr. Phillips. He allows no disruptions. Otherwise, the teachers have been kind and understanding. I also attend a class taught by a female professor! This gives me much hope for my future as a teacher. I wrote a letter to Ms. Tracy as soon as I arrived to thank her for building my confidence as an aspiring teacher, and to tell her I have settled in. I do not expect to receive a response from her, I simply sent the letter to assure her that I am safe.
However, if she does respond, I will be sure to write to you about what she says. I am sure you'd love to hear from her as well.

    I am so glad that you and I made it past the roadblocks and recognized how much we truly adore one another, Gilbert. I am unsure if I ever revealed this information, but there was a reason I ignored you when I first arrived at school. Ruby had the largest crush on you, she truly believed you were her soulmate. And because of this, she demanded that none of us girls in her friendship would so much as speak to you. However, she later realized that you and her are not kindred, which allowed me to recognize that you and I are.
Our spirits are the most kindred spirits on this planet, Gilbert. It is as though no matter how far apart our bodies may physically appear, our souls are forever connected, a lifelong bond. This bond is such a beautiful and strong bond which not one problem, nor a group of such, could break. When I look into your eyes, I find my future. I miss you already, and I just saw you four days ago. I want to be in your arms once more, Gilbert. And I want that once more to turn into an eternity. When we graduate and see each other once again, free from the captivity of distance, I will run into your arms and you shall never let go of me, not once. We shall forever be connected. Even in the moments you have to attend work, I will come with you. We will work together to heal patients. And you will come with me as I teach my students. We shall never have distance between us once we find each other again.

Recently, a few of the girls invited their men over for the afternoon in the parlor, and it made me miss you. I wish you would come visit every week, but the travel is such a far journey, and I understand you cannot. I always wish you were here. Diana, Ruby and I huddle up in a bedroom while the others are downstairs with their lovers and we chat about boys and cry that ours are not here. I wish that I did not have to join them in that room, yet you are so far away, so I must. Have I mentioned how much I miss you, Gilbert? I miss you, Gilbert. I will miss you until we are reconnected. However, our spirits are forever kindred and that will suffice while we are away.
I also miss Marilla and Matthew. It is hard for us to connect, but we do write letters. I do fear that something may happen and I will not be informed soon enough due to the slow speed of mail travel. I have to keep said anxiety out of my mind for now and focus on my study. You must tell me what you are learning in each letter that you send, and I will do the same.
I have begun decorating my dorm. It isn't much, but it is my home for the following several years. I have hung up some of my needlepoint projects along my walls, but I will continue to decorate as time passes. Diana and I will be going on a search for flowers soon, looking for the most beautiful and vibrant to plant in small flower pots and pin to our walls. We created a new story club in the backyard garden. At this moment, we use it to share stories and story ideas, but we agree that as the year progresses it will become a study nook for us to share notes and test answers.
Gilbert, I apologize for the uneventful letter. Not much has happened for this first week, leaving me with little to conversate. I am abundantly overjoyed to hear from you. Please write your response as soon as this letter finds you, I do not wish to wait longer than is required. I love you, Gilbert. My kindred soul.

With all of my love,
    Anne Shirley Cuthbert

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