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TW: Mentions of Self Harm, Eating Disorder.
([short chapter 😭])
Wilbur's POV:
'Shit, why the fuck would I leave in the drawer. It's Tommy, of course he would dig through the shit in my desk. I'm a complete idiot.' I was terrified at the moment, 'What if Tommy tells Phil?' My head was flooded with thoughts. Most of them not the best, but I heard them a lot, it wasn't new news to me. 'You had it coming' 'you're stupid' 'He hates you now' 'No one would care if you left' 'end it.' I felt arms wrap around me,
"Tommy, I-"
I was at a loss for words. How do I even explain this?
"I know Wil. I know it's hard, you don't have to explain right now, but you will have to eventually."
My vision was getting blurry. ..was I.. crying? I'm a fucking idiot. Tommy's speaking again.
"How about we get something to eat and then you can join me and Tubbo on our walk? We have 20 minutes to spare, so we have time."
I just nodded. God did I feel like a nuisance, now I'm bothering Tommy.
"I'll be back up with something to eat."
I didn't really want to eat anything, I'm already a waste of space, why bother? Soon Tommy came back up with a bowl I confused as to why he didn't bring two bowls, but didn't ask. Because I figured he would mention it before handing me the bowl, and I was right. "I ate before we came into your room, so I'm not hungry right now." It's been over an hour since we entered my room, how wasn't he hungry? I know I shouldn't eat the food, it's just gonna end up being thrown up so I offer Tommy it. After all, it's been over an hour. "I'm not quite hungry Tommy, you can have it." "It's alright Wil, I'll be in the kitchen if you need me." A couple minutes later I walk down stairs and Tommy's in the living room. I walk into the kitchen and see the empty bowl in the sink and the mess Tommy left on the table. I started picking it up but as I opened the trash bin I saw the *burnt* food Tommy made, he most likely messed up and had to start over. After all, Tommy wasn't really known for being a very good cook. Techno walks out of the living room, how didn't I notice him? Whatever. "Hey Wil." "Hey Techno, how're you?" "Eh, you?" "I'm good." I knew that 'Eh' meant it was a Normal day so I just assumed he was resting in his room all day. "EYY! Wilbur, you ready to go out with Tubbo?" "Yeah" I said, walking out the door with Tommy. It wasn't a long walk only about 15 minutes to get to some random spot under a tree, we stayed there for and talked. After a while we all got bored and walked home.

o7. TommyInnit and Wilbur angst because I am bored.Where stories live. Discover now