Boys chat

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Tom added Easton Josh Jimmy Dansby Mac and Joe to a chat called the Boys

Easton- so boys why was I added to a chat with you doofus
Tom- hey I'm not a doofus
Easton- yes you are don't hide it admit it
Josh- in the world is this old men fighting
Easton- I'm not old
Jimmy- why did I get waken up with a series of dumb messages form two stupid men fighting and josh calling them old
Josh- because they are
Easton- no I'm not
Tom- I second that
Dansby- can you guys just shut up gezzz football boys are so stupid
Joe- no we are not
Mac- amen Joe
Joe- thanks Mac
Dansby-this is so crazy all of these boys are crazy
Jimmy- I agree

Hope you guys enjoyed this I tried to come up with something hope you enjoyed and if you have ideas for your characters or story ideas for them let me know I have no ideas at the moment also for the first official chapter let me know who I should do or give me ideas hope you enjoyed

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2022 ⏰

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