The beach

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" Before I had you in my life I missed you so bad I missed you so so bad!! I missed you so so bad!!" I sang call me maybe on the way to the beach with Shawn
"Come on Shawn sing!!"
" Hell no " he said with a smile tugging at his lips
" Whatever you're lost" I said as we pulled up to the beach
"We are here " he said letting go of the wheel and closing his mouth and turning the radio down
" What wrong Shawn " I asked with a very concerned face
" Nothing babe" I loved when he called me that but I knew he didn't mean it he just said it I turned away to blush for a few
Seconds then turned back
"Babe something's bugging you tell me " I place my hand on his leg close to his erection area he lifts his head up to look me in my eyes
" I-I....I got into Stanford college Ciara"
When he said that everything dropped I mean everything my smile was now a frown my eyes were tearing up and burning I let myself go at the moment
" What no why Shawn don't leave me ...." I couldn't even look at him I couldn't do anything I turned away
" Ciara I meant to tell you sooner I'm leaving tomorrow at 8:00 " he grabbed my arm trying to turn me around
" Y-you p-promised me t-that you would never -l-leave me Shawn what the hell!" I was pissed at him furious I opend the car door and walked to the water
" CIARA PLEASE IM SORRY !!" He yelled at me as I kept on walking towards the water I want everything to end at the moment I jumped in the water and let my self fall deep into the water I was drowning myself I-I just wanted my mom to hold me in her arms and tell me everything would be alright like she did the night she died
******FLASH BACK******
"Mommy I'm scared "
" Shhh it's okay Ciara mommy's here "she said as she rocked me back and forth in her arms stroking my hair
" Mommy why is the thunder mad??" My mom chuckled a bit
" Well cupcake the lighting must have done something really bad to make his daddy upset "
" What lighting is thunders son!!" I said slapping my cheeks like the little boy from home alone did
" Yes honey he is's bedtime sweet pea don't you think?"
" Awww but I want to know more about thunder and lightning mommy!!"
"How about.... I tuck you in and make some cookies and milk and then tell you a little more about thunder and lightning?"
" That's a great idea mommy!!"
"Okay Hun lay down now and mommy will be right back I'm gonna go to the store to get cookie maker stuff okay"
" Okay mommy love you!" I said kissing her cheek as she kissed my forehead
" Okay sweet pea be right back"
*****in the car Ciara's moms pov*****
it was raining pretty bad outside I pulled out of the drive way reaching for the radio I turned it on and listen to a boy group that sounded awful I think there names one fiction or some thing like that I reached to change the station but
regretted it
Everything went pitch black
******in the morning*****
" Mommy! You never brought me my cookies " I ran down the stairs upset at my mom
" Hey sweet heart " my dad said from on the couch he looked like he's been crying
" Daddy are you ok?"
" No honey I have to tell you something it's about you're mother"
" Yeah I know she forgot to bring me my cookies and milk let me guess she forgot yours to" I said crossing my arms over my chest
" Very funny honey but.....u-uhm no she got in a car accident last night "
" What no what daddy please say it's not true please "
" I wish I could baby girl but she's gone "
*******END OF FLASH BACK******
"W-where am I?" Didn't even know where we were or how we even got here?
" We're at the hospital " Shawn said with his soaking wet body and tearing up eyes
" Everything's alright Ciara you're fine" Shawn repeated after he saw me start to shake in fear and worry
" S-Shawn are you really g- going to leave m- me?"
" I - I don't know if I should .....I care about you Ciara I don't want to be the one to find you dead or something I don't want anything to happen to you because of me ......I -I love you Ciara "
" I - i love you too shawn p-please don't l-leave m-me" my eyes were falling slowly
"I won't Ciara I promise " he kissed my hand then I was out everything went dark ...pitch black

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