Meeting him

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Walking through the park looking at the pretty fall leaves the cool fall breeze hitting you in the face,it felt nice after the burning summer that had recently finished,you were not paying attention you hear a *CLANK!!* noise as you ran into something or someone. You say there rubbing your forehead that had taken a bit of a hit for a few seconds before looking up and you were surprised to say the least,by what you saw,you had known about the Google IRL'S but you never knew of Bing IRL'S which is what you saw in-front of you. The Google IRL'S just wore plain T-shirts with G's on the front of them,a bit of an aura of red,blue,yellow and green around the one matching those colors,however Bing IRL'S had just newly been released,the one infront of you was the first released one,the S4,these Robots from what you've seen online and now in person wore Black tank tops with a "B" (like the "G" the Googles had) and then "ing" in smaller writing,the. You then remembered this was the only S4 ever released,they canceled that model after he was put out,his sunglasses were cracked on the ground next to him so you saw his black and orange orbs,you had to admit his eyes were really frickin cool!! You grabbed his hand and helped him up and you then handed him his sunglasses. You started apologizing profusely for running into him. However he cut you off "It's totally chill dude/dudette don't worry about it,I have a bunch more pairs since I break them all the time,it's really no problem,it was an accident and I'm ok" you two talked and had a lot in common you two then exchanged numbers and then went your separate ways, you definitely liked Bing IRL'S more than the Google ones, that was certain,it was a good day,and you made a new friend named Bing!!

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