[9] alindog

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9. alindog
— the ability to allure or charm.


6:03 p.m. NIGHT #9.



"Would you rather... be happy in this lifetime, or given the ability to look for happiness in different lifetimes?" Yuuki asked as she popped a strawberry-flavored pocky inside her mouth.

The night was still young, with the sun's light now barely a sliver atop the city's skyline. The haziness of light blurring the darkness reflected a different kind of glow in her eyes, and it took everything in me to look away and ponder over her inquiry.

Both of us had found solace in front of the convenience store, sitting on the edge of the curb with merely Japanese snacks as our company — one that was specifically chosen by the wide-eyed girl beside me whose sweet tooth had won me over. We had decided to spend tonight in front the store as I had learned from our crusade around Hoppy Street from one food stall to another, that Yuuki was expected to report for night duty by 8:00 p.m. every Tuesdays and Thursdays; whilst Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays were her morning shift from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. — a bit of information that explained the dark circles under her eyes.

"Hmmm," I hummed in thought, thinking about a philosophical answer that could at least be on par with her odd, mind-boggling question. At the back of my mind though, I wondered about the other fascinating thoughts that roamed around her head-and whether this was a product of her being forced to mature early on, or a shower thought she had saved in case of a great conversation.

"Well, why tire yourself looking for happiness that is unsure in other lifetimes, when you can be given the chance to be happy in this lifetime?" I finally answered, turning to face her.

There was a glimpse of sadness that passed her eyes with my answer. In effect, I put down my hand that was holding a pocky, and frowned.

"What's wrong?"

But Yuuki merely shook her head, as if shaking the sadness away. Instead, she gave me a bright smile. "I was just thinking..." Her voice trailed off. "What if you can't be happy in this lifetime? Will you then look for it in other lifetimes?"

I let out a laugh. "I see we're getting really deep here and the night isn't even that late yet."

"I suppose I'm curious of what your answer would be." She confessed, twirling her pocky before looking up to meet me — eyes not leaving mine with her features all pointed towards me.

"Because I would." Yuuki said softly. "I would look for happiness in every lifetime if it meant..."

There was a snap, her pupils dilating as if in realization and she quickly turned her head away much to my dismay. I blinked rapidly as I too faced the other way in instinct.

"If it meant...?" I repeated, hoping that she might continue.

But instead, Yuuki once again shook her head and stood up abruptly to shake out the remnants of dust in her dress. She then reached out a hand to pull me up.

"I think my questions are getting out of hand. Let's walk around the city before my shift, shall we?" She smiled.

I stared at her hand before looking up to her. Of course, I had no other choice. I didn't want to force her to open up and say something she wasn't comfortable in revealing. But the way she left me hanging craved me for more. I wanted to know her inside out, memorize every single part of her, and know the crevices of her mind that made her... Yuuki.

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