7: Changes

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Arriving at the house the three awake people stared at the mass of people at the Plummer house.
"Ooh. Someone's gonna get busted," Lulu grinned.
Kat and Shane just stared at the mess, and Kat began to tear up seeing that her artwork was ruined and dotted about everywhere.

The two adults entered the house. Kat brought Lulu, Peter and Tyler to where Seth was asking if he could watch them for the time being and went to look at her room. Everything was wrecked. Her artwork was all over the house, her essays were torn to pieces and her laptop had been smashed. Kat started to cry and looked to the floor only to see used condoms and ran out of her room to the bathroom where she broke down sobbing.
Downstairs Shane caught a football and started to tell kids to beat it. He went into the family room and turned the music off.
"Party's over!" He shouted.
"Oh my God it's here," Zoe panicked.
"You're all gonna clean this house spotless, no highway option. Now get cleaning,"
"I'm out of here," Scott panicked pushing Zoe off of his lap and ran for the door, the people in the room all began to follow. Shane spotted Scott and started chasing him preventing the teenager from leaving. He held Scott by his shirt when a slice of baloney fell onto his shoulder, "This is my favourite shirt," Shane said staring Scott right in the eye.

Everyone was cleaning and putting things away, making Shane pleased that Kat wouldn't have to clean it up herself. He saw a girl putting CDs and DVDs away when he saw one titled GHOST. Taking the disc he slipped it into his pocket when he saw a couple of people headed upstairs with cleaning supplies.
"Where are you going?" He asked the two boys.
"Upstairs, people were using one of the rooms to get it on and no doubt it's a mess," one of the boys laughed his friend doing the same.
"Which one?" Shane asked.
"Which room?"
"One with a bunch of art stuff in it."
"Rin," Shane murmured before rushing upstairs to find Kat. "Go and help the others, you are not to touch anything upstairs." Shane called from upstairs.
He checked her room only to see what a mess it was and he saw the bathroom door closed. Walking up to the door he placed his ear to it only to hear sobbing.
"Rin? Let me in," the lock clicked undone and Shane saw that Kat's hair had made a veil. Tilting her head up, he saw how red her eyes were and immediately brought her into his arms letting her cry.

"Thanks a lot Lieutenant Loser," Zoe said stomping up the stairs. "Now I'm gonna be the school joke and I don't even know what I'm gonna say to my friends," Zoe then saw that Kat was crying holding onto Shane tightly. "What's up with her?" Zoe asked.
"You call those people your friends?" Shane questioned turning his head to face Zoe. "They have no respect for you, they have no respect for your home. You have no respect for yourself!"
"I do too respect myself," Zoe said walking up to Shane.
"Company downstairs. And that means you too," Shane said pointing at Seth and Lulu who had left the safety of his room.
"Your not my dad!" Zoe scoffed. "Incase you haven't noticed, this family is going through a really hard time and you're just making everything a lot worse. I mean look at Kat!"
"Do not bring her into this. Your so called friends have ruined her room and school work that she stays up at night to do all because you can't take responsibility for things around the house!" Shane yelled holding Kat tighter as she tensed up a little.
"Don't try to pretend you care bout her. No one does. You have no feelings. We hate you. And you hate us. So why don't you just leave us alone?"
"Don't worry, when your Mom comes back I'm gone," Shane practically growled at Zoe, before realising that Kat had tightened her hold on him significantly so he leaned down and whispering into Kat's ear "you'll still see me. I'll make sure of it, okay?" Kat nodded and tightened her hold even more and burying her face further into his neck.

A crash from outside made Shane look up from his hug with Kat.
"Now what?" Shane demanded loosening his grip.
"Scott," Zoe whispered.
But it wasn't Scott. A shattering sound resonated through the hall and two people dressed in black burst through the window. Shane gripped Kat's hips tightly and kissed her forehead before letting her go.
"Run! Take the babies, go to Lulu's room!" The Plummer children did as Shane said as he intercepted the two intruders.
He flipped one of them as they tried to jump at him and blocked the others kicks as they approached him.
The Plummer kids all went into Lulus room and shut the door huddling close together except Kat who was still trying to calm down unsuccessfully.
"Did they really ruin your school work?" Zoe asked softly, looking at her upset older sister. They had never seen her cry.
Kat just nodded and when they heard a crash Lulu rushed out the door.
"Shane! Shane! Shane! Take one of these!" She bounced on the spot holding a broom in one hand and a mop in the other.
"Lulu?" Shane questioned dropping the person on his shoulders. "Get back inside," he demanded taking the objects out her hands and pushing her into Kat's arms.

"Kids it's safe," Shane knocked on the locked door of Lulu's room. It opened and Kat jumped into his arms wrapping her arms around his neck, legs around his waist and head buried into his neck once again. Out of reflex he gripped her thighs to keep her steady and sighed into her hair in relief that she was safe.
"Who was that?" Asked Seth holding Peter.
"What do they want?" Demanded Zoe cradling Tyler.
"Please don't leave us Shane," Whimpered Lulu staring up at Shane and her eldest sister.
"What do they want?" Seth asked more calmly.
"They were after the program your father invented," Shane said, gently moving one arm to grab out the disc he had taken from the teenage girl earlier. "They are after this," he said holding it up.

Downstairs they were all crowded around Shane and his laptop; Seth, Zoe, Peter and Tyler on one side, Lulu on his other eating booberry and Kat on his lap snuggled into his arms.
"They want our Ghost movie?" Lulu asked confused. "Haven't they ever heard of blockbuster."
"So there really are people out there to get us?" Zoe checked with Shane.
"Yes there are. That's why I'm here. I think we're gonna need a little more cooperation. From now on, you listen to me and I'll listen to you too. Now go to bed, school tomorrow."

Everyone got up except the two adults.
"All my work was ruined, I'm not gonna be able to graduate. And my room is a mess." Kat held onto Shane's shirt.
"Sleep with me tonight, no work, no getting up at 5, no funny business. Just sleeping." Shane said softly in her ear. Kat nodded.
"I don't have any pyjamas though."
"Wear one of my shirts," he whispered.
Upstairs the pair were in Shane's room getting ready for bed. Kat took off her top and trousers putting on one of Shane's shirts instead and slipped her bra off under that. Turning around she saw Shane lying in bed with just bottoms on eyes closed, blushing she got in bed.
Feeling movement, Shane saw that Kat was now in bed and pulled her body to his, arms wrapped around her middle.
"So have you really never had your first kiss?" Shane asked with his head in her shoulder. Kat just shook her head.
"I was bullied for being fat, and I never really took an interest in anyone. When I did a few times and was asked out, I got ditched and everyone would know the next day," Kat whispered turning to face the ceiling.
"Let's change that," Shane spoke huskily in her ear, sending shivers down her spine and Shane held his body over hers arms on either side of her head.
"What are you-" Kat was interrupted by Shane.

His lips met hers. One of his arms trailed down to her leg and he stroked her thigh softly, the other he used to lower his body closer to hers but far away enough he wouldn't crush her. When the need for air became too much, the two parted. Kat's eyes fluttered open and she stared at the man above her. She slithered one arm around his neck and pulled him down to kiss her again. Kat's other arm stroked Shane's muscles. Shane squeezed Kat's thigh making her moan and let him slip his tongue in her mouth. The kiss was slow, sweet and gentle yet so passionate it told the other person exactly how they felt. Parting once again Shane lay on the bed and pulled Kat's body to his.
"Go out with me?" He asked hiking up her leg over his side still stroking her thigh. Kat just pecked his lips and nodded smiling before falling asleep. Shane following soon after.

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