"will you marry me?"

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Bakugo's POV:

I won another battle again and I was tired. But I was also gonna ask my crush to marry me. I saw Deku walking from school. "Hey Deku wait up!" He stopped and I took him into an ally and pinned him on the wall. "Marry me".

Deku POV:

Kacchan asked me a question I thought I never hear. I look at his face. He had a light blush. 'Should I say yes?' I took in a big gulp.

My face went pale when I remembered what Kacchan told me in Middle school."Go kill yourself you quirkless shit!"

"You think I can forgive you for what you told me?" "W-what are you talking about?" "I THINK YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I MEAN HUH? 'YOU QUIRKLESS SHIT!' " His face changed like he remembered.

"I could never marry you!" I walked away. I heard him say "Shit!" As I walked away.

Bakugo POV:

It was the next day and I was at my desk with my head on my hand and I was facing the window. Shitty hair and dunce face came to me. "Hey BakuBro what's the matter." "Nothing"

"Are you sure-" "my crush rejected me" "oh bro I am sorry. Who was it" "It dosen't matter." It was after school and I walked past Deku he glared me down.

I walked to the subway and Was about to go home from there.

Deku POV:

I went to the subway after school and I was looking for my train. I thought I saw blonde spiky hair. "Is that?-" He turned around. "Yep that's him." I said walking away from that direction.

Bakugo POV:

I was looking for my train and I turned around looking and I saw green fluffy hair and it was Deku. I ran after him. "Deku!" I finally reached him and grabbed his arm.

He tries to loose my grip and he punched me in the face making me bleed. "Oh I am so sorry!-" "It's ok" "here" He said giving me a tissue and looking around at other people.

"Come on." He took my arm and we went underneath a bridge.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter read the next formore drama. Bye Luvs ❤️

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