Eight-The Knights At The Door

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“We’re here for Tempest Jackson and whomever she chooses to bring along.” A knight said as Mother answered the door. Eda and I glanced at each other and our chair makes back made a creaking sound. I walked toward the door, time felt as though it was slowing down and my heart jumped from my chest. I walked over to the guard who bowed down. “Your Majesty Tempest I presume and…” “And Eda. My name is Eda.” She announced. The knight understand and nodded. “Follow me to your carriage, your majesties.” The knight offered me his hand and I grabbed it. Eda grabbed my other hand. We walked out of my house and I stopped and looked back. I let go of the knight and waved to mom with a sincere look on my face. Mother waved back and all I could think about was that I would never see her again, nor will I see my sister ever again. Goodbye home. I turned back and I walked with Eda by my side, knowing that we will support each other through anything. The carriage was decorated with black, gold, and a beautiful dark blue. I knew this carriage would bring me to my future and destiny, but I didn’t know that it would carry me to some of the hardest times of my life. Or better yet, The end of the King's life.

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