Copied From My Random Oneshot Book

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This is it. it's all redead_mars fault. I hope you're happy. You requested this oneshot and now look where we are.

 I remember that night. It was 3am for me and I wanted to expand my fandom writing and do something other than BakuTodo. I came on here and asked for ideas. You replied within 10 minutes. My books weren't as popular then and I wasn't expecting anyone to reply so quickly. I immediately began writing it and within 45 minutes it was posted.

In the following months, I re-read it a few times out of boredom. It eventually escalated and now here we are. Now this book exists.


Recently, Zuko has been upset. Normally, his relationship with Sokka has been pretty smooth. However, as of late, he feels that his idiot boyfriend has been spending too much time with his friends and not giving him enough attention. On top of that, there's stress about schoolwork, drama, and his dad not accepting him. There's only so much someone can take before they snap. As for Zuko, he's reaching his limit.

Zuko's POV:
"Hey wait up!" There he goes again. My idiot boyfriend, running off with his friends. He's always goofing off and doesn't stop to think about me. I don't want to come off as needy or clingy, so I've been keeping my mouth shut for a while now.

Even so, I'm beginning to feel like the two of us are drifting apart. With that and the stress of everything else, I'm starting to think that maybe it would be best if we took a break.

I'll give it more thought later. For now, I have to face my father. He's extremely homophobic and I'm not looking forward to this.

I finally get home and walk in the front door. Right away, I am being dragged down the hall by my father.

"Fucken faggot" he says as he throws me onto the floor.

"You're such a disappointment" he kicks me in the stomach a few times, then leaves. I get up and drive back to the campus.

Once I get there, I am greeted by Sokka. He doesn't seem to notice anything wrong with me. Whatever, it's not important anyways. I then remember that I have to study for an upcoming test in geometry.

"Hey, uh- Sokka?" He turns around to look at me.

"Can you help me study for an upcoming geometry test?"

"Uh.. I already planned to help Aang study so..." maybe next time?" I shrug in response.

"Oh, ok."

He leaves my room. I sit down at my desk and pull out my geometry textbook. Suddenly, I hear a knock at my door. Before I get a chance to answer it, a slip of paper slides under my door.

I pick up the slip of paper and unfold it.

Hey why don't you drop that weirdo and come be with me instead.

It's Jet again. This happens all the time. I sit back down at my desk and continue studying. However, with all of the thoughts running through my head, it's impossible to focus. All I can think about is my dad, Sokka and I falling apart, and Jet who keeps passing notes under my door.

I give up on trying to ignore the thoughts and let them take over. I slam my textbook shut and toss it onto the floor, paper's scattering everywhere.

As I stare at the mess I slowly slide onto the floor in a pathetic attempt to pick them up.

Tears stream down my face as I slowly curl up. I bring my knees to my chest and put my head down as it slowly gets harder to breathe.

Sokka's POV:
You know what, I feel kinda bad for turning down Zuko's request like that. If he needs help I should give it to him.

"Sorry guys I actually have to go" I say as I stand up from the table and start gathering my stuff. Katara asked me where I was going.

"Yeah it's kinda weird that you would just up and leave like this" Aang chimed in.

"Well I- uh... just remembered that I need to uh- CLEAN MY ROOM! Yeah.. it's really messy in there." I lie through my teeth, hoping they will believe me.

"You're lying" Toph says from across the table. Right. I forgot about that talent of hers. Ugh, now what? I panic for a moment, then just run.

"Hehe.. gotta go BYE!" I say as a leave the library, waving at my confused friends.

I run all the way to Zuko's room.

Once I get there, I stop outside the door. After listening for a moment, I can hear sniffling and choked sobs coming from the other side.

I slowly open the door,

"Zuko?" No answer.

I walk in and see him on the floor, papers scattered everywhere. I slowly make my way over to him. Before I sit down, I move a few papers out of the way and see that they are geometry worksheets. I sit next to Zuko and gently put my arm around him.

3rd POV:
Sokka slides his arm around Zuko's shoulders and pulls him closer. Zuko leans into the warm touch, still sobbing with his head down.

"Do you wanna tell me what's wrong?" Sokka asked gently, not wanting to pressure him.

Zuko shifted so that his head was on Sokka's shoulder, still sniffling. Sokka began running his fingers through the other's hair slowly.

"I guess I'm just stressed" Zuko finally decides to speak. "Stressed about school, and my dad, Jet..."

"Is Jet still bothering you?" Sokka questioned, slightly annoyed that Jet won't leave his Prince alone.

"Yeah, he keeps passing notes under my door and stuff"

"Is that all that's bothering you?"

"Yeah" Zuko lied.

Sokka could immediately tell that he was being lied to.

"No it's not. What else."

"Well, recently I feel like you and I, we're... drifting apart. You haven't been spending as much time with me as you used to."

Sokka stopped running his hand through Zuko's hair, moving it to his chin. He turned Zuko's head towards him and looked him in the eyes.

"I'm so sorry Zuko" he said "I had no clue this was happening. I feel terrible. Why didn't you say anything?"

"I don't want to seem needy or clingy or-"

"No" he cut him off. "Don't ever think that wanting more attention makes you needy or clingy. You're feelings are valid too. Remember that."

Zuko nodded, then Sokka wiped the tears from his eyes and smiled at him. They stared at each other for a moment before Sokka got an idea.

"How about" he looked down at the scattered papers "we get this cleaned up, and then we can watch movies for the rest of the night. Does that sound good? We can study tomorrow."

Zuko nodded while smiling, then helped his boyfriend clean up the papers and stack them neatly on the desk.

Once that was done, Sokka quickly left the room, then came back with snacks. They spent the rest of the night cuddling and watching movies.


A/N: Well here it is. Remember, it's all your fault. 
-Fynn >:)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2022 ⏰

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