3. Denki and y/n under the blossom tree

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Y/n POV:
I'm sitting at the back of the cafeteria and I'm just watching Mina and jirou at the front table with denki and Kirishima and they can't tell that I'm watching them which is a good sign incase they look at me so I just look back and eat my onigiri
Until I hear someone sit down

"Hey nasurae"
I don't even look up but I can tell who it is
"Hey pika"
"You ok nasurae-chan?
"I'm fine.."
"Are you sure?"
"Y-ye just missing home a bit.."
"Oh well I can make you feel better"
"You can?"
Denki POV:
I stand up and grab her hand, I take her out to the garden and sit under a blossom tree and she sits next to me drinking her strawberry milk
My my shes so adorable
"Soo how would this make me feel better?"
"I don't know I just like to come here to think."
I stare at her long hair
"so beautiful"
"What's beautiful?"
"Oh the sky :)"
I watch her shrug her shoulders and finish her strawberry milk and she uses her quirk to float the little carton to the nearest bin How is she so cute
She's literally ADORABLE
"Is everything ok pika?"
"Oh ye everything is fine:)"
"Hey quick question"
"Sure what is it pika?"
"Why do you never show your face?"
"My eyes.."
"What about them?"
*moves hair*

She had the most beautiful eyes everOne eye was glowing rainbow and the other eye was purple with blue and pink stripes"How could you hide such beautiful eyes""Y-you think my eyes are beautiful

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She had the most beautiful eyes ever
One eye was glowing rainbow and the other eye was purple with blue and pink stripes
"How could you hide such beautiful eyes"
"Y-you think my eyes are beautiful.."
"Wow umm thanks pika :)"
"Your smile is adorable too"
y/n POV:
I blush a lot but I forget that pika can see my face so it makes me blush even more
"Wow nasurae-Chan your blushing a lot are you ok?"
"Y-ye just a bit hot"
"Ya know y/n.... Your really beautiful"
I just couldn't stop blushing
"You shouldn't hide your face just because your insecure of your eyes, I think your eyes are gorgeous and they shouldn't have to be hidden"
I was speechless
Denki POV:
She was speechless after I said that to her 
*hugs denki*
" thank you pika"
"It's no problem"
I hug her back
It lasts for about 6 minutes altho I wish it lasted longer shes just so warm and adorably cuddly
Mina pov:
I stare through my dorm window watching denki and nasurae-san hug for a solid 6 minutes
God I'm jealous
But yet again her face was showing
But I didn't see much of it
But yet again I SHIP THEM SO MUCH!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2022 ⏰

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