Chapter Four

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The nauseousness was what roused him, that and the splitting headache. Chris rolled over and nearly fell off whatever he was lying on. He saw Keifer and frowned. Something was wrong but he couldn’t place it. He wasn’t supposed to be here but he didn’t know why. It wasn’t home, he was supposed to be home. It was dark outside. He moved to sit up but felt something cold and sharp touch the skin of his neck. He jumped and tried to see what it was but he couldn’t. Then Keifer got right in his face. “You must be thirsty. Drink.”

Chris started to say no, vaguely remembering Keifer had tricked him. He didn’t know what that had been, but it definitely hadn’t been water. Before he could say anything, Keifer put the cup to his lips, and he swallowed a gulp of what was the same color as apple cider. But it didn’t taste like apple cider, it tasted strong, almost bitter and it burned going down, he could actually feel it slide down his throat and esophagus and into his already upset stomach. He gagged and Keifer clamped his mouth shut, so that he had to swallow. “Try some more, you’ll get used to it.”

Chris shook his head and tried to bite Keifer’s hand but the guy moved his hand, poured more of the stuff down Chris’ throat, and clamped his mouth shut again. Chris shuddered and tried to get free as the stuff burned down his throat again.

Keifer did it a third time and Chris felt strange and dazed, wondering why he was fighting it. The taste took some getting used to, but it didn’t quite burn like it did before. By the fifth time, Chris wasn’t fighting it anymore. He just sat there, staring at nothing. He still felt dizzy from earlier and he could hear voices…it took him a long time to focus on it and then it dawned on him, it was only one voice. A strangely familiar voice that he should know.

“No. Stop it.”

Keifer shoved him against the back of the couch and poured more stuff down his throat. Chris choked this time and for a second couldn’t breathe, then when Keifer poured more, he choked again, hard wracking coughs that made his entire body hurt worse.

He finally managed a breath but whatever type of drink it was, burned his nose too. He felt tired and almost drifted off. Keifer slapped his cheek. “Chris, we need your help.”


“You gave him too much,” snapped an angry voice. “He’s useless.”

Keifer smiled. “No, he’s not.” He hauled Chris to his feet. “You’re just feeling a bit queasy, walk it off.”

Chris staggered but managed to walk in a reasonably straight line. He walked back and didn’t waver. His blue eyes skimmed over the person sitting tied to another chair but it took a long time for him to register who it was. And even then, he wondered what was going on. He turned to Keifer. “Why is he tied up?”


“Like that show. Like the whole gang.”

Keifer slapped his cheek lightly again. “Focus. He’ll wait for you here, but we need your help.”

“He’ll…be safe?

“Of course. Let’s go.”

“Go where?” Chris found his gaze drawn to the guy in the chair, tied up. Why was his brother tied up? It didn’t make sense. It didn’t make any sense until they were trying to get in the van when it clicked. He tried to run back to the warehouse, but someone blocked his way. “Move,” he said hoarsely. “Jason…he’s…”

Keifer shoved him into the van. “Do this and you both can go home.”

“Let my brother go.”

“Do this or neither of you will go home again.”

5. Maximum RiskOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora