Tender Moments

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A Tender Moment

My uncle is an artist, and recently I became a model for one of his drawings. It all began when COVID shut down everything. My mom would go to the gym once a day for her yoga classes, sometimes leaving me home alone or with my uncle, since he lived close by. With all the gyms closed, my mom began to watch yoga classes on the television on our living room to keep up with her routine. I was only ten, and not very athletic, but I was skinny enough and flexible enough to be able to keep up. So, I joined her in yoga classes at home.

As the year continued, more activities opened up, and life got busy again. My mom kept telling me I was a big girl now, and she could leave me at home alone while she went out for grocery shopping or things like that. I enjoyed the feeling of personal responsibility, but I would often feel bad that my mom didn't drop me off at my uncle's home as often. He had a whole art studio in his home, and a huge television to watch movies on. One day, I asked my mom to drop me off at Uncle Tom's home.

"Hey mom, you know if you drop me off with Uncle Tom today, you can go out to do clothes shopping too. I bet he can even treat me to lunch too."

My mom seemed excited about the idea of extra time out of the house. "Let me ask him if it's ok."

I saw my mom pace around the kitchen as she texted him. I guess she was anxious to find out the answer. I was just as anxious.

Then he responded. My mother looked happy.

"Get your things sweetie. You're going to Uncle Tom's house today," she said.

I took a book, and my yoga bag and yoga mat and met my mom out at the car. I was excited. I was hoping to get to see my uncle's art studio. The last time I went to his house, he was working on something in there, and it seemed like it was a special secret. I tried to peek through the door, and I could see that he was watching a video, but the lights were low in the room. It looked like he was drawing something in his lap. Maybe a smaller drawing on a pad rather than his tablet. I walked by a few times and he seemed to be very intense with the art. I was hoping that maybe he would share with me.

I was also excited to practice yoga but watching one of the classes on his huge television. My mom didn't even get out of the car when we pulled up to the house. She told me she would text Uncle Tom later on in the afternoon when she was coming to pick me up.

Uncle Tom woke up late, and made breakfast for himself while I put my things down on his living room couch. He showed me how to use his remote for his television so I could watch Youtube. I found one of my favorite yoga videos and just began practicing. The smell of eggs and bacon filled the living room as it drifted from the kitchen. I already had my breakfast, but as I arched my back and lifted my nose in the upward-facing dog pose, my mouth began to salivate. The thought of a second breakfast was distracting.

I stopped following the video for a moment and turned around to look into the kitchen. His home had an open floor plan, but there was a short bar to separate the kitchen from the living room. I could see Uncle Tom though, tilting the pan, spreading the bacon grease. He looked to the side and smiled at me. I licked my lips, I wanted to tease him that I was also hungry for some bacon and eggs. I thought maybe he would make me some too.

I continued to follow the video, now shifting into the warrior pose. I always had difficulty with it, because I was still so short, stretching one leg back behind me all the way was difficult to balance with one foot forward and my arms straight up in the air. I felt my balance fade, and fell to the side. My body made a light thump as I rolled on to the floor.

"You ok in there?" he asked.

"I'm fine, just need to balance better!" I replied.

The hood of my sweatshirt wrapped around my neck in an uncomfortable pinch, so I took it off before I got back into the next pose. It was always easier to practice yoga in less clothes. My mom and I would wear bikinis at home. We would also sweat a lot, so it was just easier. I was still wearing shorts, and my bikini top when I caught up with the next pose, the cat pose. My leg didn't have to be stretched out behind me so much and I could bend over to help balance on my front leg. It was an easy pose to continue with.

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