the interview part 2

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Y/n pov:
I woke up and it was 8:00 the interview starts at 10:00 I have 2 hours to get ready so get in the shower and I wash up when I get out the shower I do my hair get my makeup on and put my clothes on

I go downstairs and I get my purse my phone and my wallet I walk outside my house and I call a taxi the taxi comes and picks me up I'm at the studio and I'm outside nervous right now it is 9:45 I don't know if I'm late or early I go inside and I s...

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I go downstairs and I get my purse my phone and my wallet I walk outside my house and I call a taxi the taxi comes and picks me up I'm at the studio and I'm outside nervous right now it is 9:45 I don't know if I'm late or early I go inside and I say" I'm here for the interview for danger Force" they bring me up to the room and Mike says "welcome to the interview we are going to ask you a few questions but first I want to know if you are fine being Chapas love interested" he said so I say "yeah I don't mind being her love interest as long as it doesn't mean we're to kiss every timewe're on camera" I said Mike said "you're not going to kiss every time you're on camera but once in awhile you are is that okay with you" he said "I don't mind really"

Time skip
1 hour later a lot of questions I don't know if I got it he said I have a high chance cuz a lot of other people didn't answer the questions the way he wanted them to he said I was the one who did it so he might we'll see you tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2022 ⏰

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