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"Bruce? Bruce," Mr.Walls was so enthralled with the childrens' behinds that it drowned out the sound of Coach P. desperately trying to catch his attention. "BRUCE!"

"Oh, uhm, yeah?" Mr.Walls frantically averted his vision, trying to cover it up. His fingers twiddled together nervously.

"Have you even thought about looking for the missing student? At all?" Coach P. spoke sternly, his voice wavering a little. He didn't wanna yell at Mr. Walls. He really didn't. The way he cowered at every word made him tremble deep inside, but this was simply unacceptable.

"I-I'm sorry Coa-"

"Don't apologize. I forgive you either way."

"Oh? Why's that?"

"You know. I just can't stay mad at you, short stuff. Now, go find that kid. Please," He said his words with a sense of nonchalance, and shook his head. "Now."

"Will do, sir," Mr. Walls winked at him, waving goodbye. Little did everyone know, Bruce had a secret. He had Super-Scent. He could smell his mommy's cooking from a mile away. He couldn't let anyone know, so he just told everyone that he was skilled at finding lost students.

Taking a deep breath in, he had already located the student. The bathroom in the 800 building. He immediately stormed out of the gym, the door slamming shut behind him. He didn't even know he was capable of running this fast. Thundering footsteps echoed throughout the empty hallways as he ran to his destination. He thought he was running pretty fast, but in reality he was only going about 2mph. Honestly as a gym teacher, he should be able to go faster.

As he neared the large doors of the 800 building, he kneeled down a minute to catch his breath. "Wowee, That was some good exercise," He said in between gasps for air, "Now, back to what I was doing."

He put his ear up to the door of the 800 building bathroom, listening for any trace of the missing child. There it was. He heard it. Were they even trying to be quiet?

He burst through the door, "Ah-HAH! Wait, what?" Surprisingly, there was nobody there. Oh. They had to be in the other bathroom.

He scratched his head, still a little confused, and silently walked into the other bathroom. Upon entering, there were some kids reenacting the noodle scene from Lady and the Tramp with a Cheeto. Wait. He knew these kids very well.

"Scarlet? Maze?" Hearing his voice, they both jumped up and screamed.

"What are you guys screaming about?" Another student laughed, presumably from inside the stall. He recognized this student's voice too. "James, come out of that stall, now."

"Oh," he whispered to himself. He quietly unlocked the stall and stepped out, as if he was trying to hide despite already having been caught.

"Oh perfect, all my least favorite students in one place! You better believe I've been waiting on a chance to get you guys in trouble, and this is three birds with one stone! Now, give me those Cheetos. Head up to Student Services, and I'll know if you don't," Mr. Walls reached his hand out, grabbing the bag from Scarlet's hand.

"But that's ours," Scarlet spoke, jumping to get the bag back from where he held it high above her head.

"Uh, not anymore. Now, get to Student Services," All three of the kids just glanced around at each other, not knowing what to do. "Are y'all deaf? Now, GO!"

Without another word, they all scrambled from the bathroom, and left the teacher all to himself (his Cheetos in tow). Well, now that that was over and done with, what was he to do?

He glanced at the bag of Cheetos in his hand. It was almost completely full. So, he took a seat on the floor where Scarlet and Maze had been doing whatever it was they had going on. He had to take this moment to really think about his life. Wow, had he gotten some accomplishments in, that's for sure. The amount of kids he'd made uncomfortable? That sure was something.

In between taking large bites, he started to realize something. He'd never really appreciated Cheetos in their entirety. The utterly blissful taste in his mouth made him feel a way nothing else could. He took a singular Cheeto from the bag and held it near his eyes, just to get a closer look. 'Wow,' he thought, carefully licking the top of it. The taste of the Cheeto was enough to make him wanna go absolutely bonkers, and he just couldn't contain himself. His feet started involuntarily kicking, shaking, wiggling. He started giggling like a little girl. The sand stuck in the crevices of his toes crunched around like there was no tomorrow.

A moment or two passed and he thought he should play some music to set the mood. "I'll be right back, Cheetos." He quickly got up to lock the bathroom door, and scavenged his phone out of his pocket. He desperately tapped around, trying to find spotify. He put his liked songs on shuffle, (because that's just the type of person he was). Fortunately, his favorite song came on first. 'Shake It Off' by Taylor Swift, which just so happened to be the song that makes him dance and boogie, was playing. 'Wow... Could I ask for a day more perfect?' He thought to himself, lying back down next to the bag.

"So... where were we?" He asked, not expecting a response, as he got down to business, (he was going to feast).


"Ugh, why won't this door open?!" Jessica said to herself, desperately pulling on the bathroom door handle. "Well, this door is no match for me. I'll just use my wolf powers!" She quickly pulled her backpack off, and searched through it for her homemade wolf claws. Although in point of fact, they were just folded up pieces of paper in the shape of triangles. But, they worked surprisingly well for what she was trying to accomplish. Sticking the point of the triangle into the lock, she effortlessly unlocked it within seconds.

She pulled the door open, astonished by what she saw, and not in a good way. Was that... Mr. Walls? And a Cheeto bag? All she could do was stand and watch as he seductively shoved Cheetos in his mouth, one by one. Suddenly, he knocked the whole bag over! Surely by accident, but still. Cheetos covered the ground, surrounded by stray toilet paper pieces and dirt.

The last thing Jessica expected Mr. Walls to do next was scrape his claws around the ground, crawling to get to all the cheetos, just like a... wolf? Maybe he and Jessica weren't so different after all. He, whose face happened to be bright red, started to lick the Cheetos directly off the disgusting ground.

Upon seeing this, Jessica's primal instincts started to kick it. She jumped onto the ground and started crawling around, panting.

Mr. Walls was completely appalled. He thought he'd locked the door, but apparently not. He snapped out of his Cheeto daze and thought of the immense ways he could punish the girl. "JESSICA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?"


"You better go to Student Services IMMEDIATELY."

Tears formed in Jessica's eyes, and she shook violently. "O-oh... okay..."

She ran out of the bathroom, sobbing uncontrollably. 'Well, wasn't that embarrassing?' He thought to himself, picking up the empty bag and almost chucking it in the trash, but stopping himself. He couldn't do it. He felt bad. 'I thought I loved Coach P. If I do, then what was all that? I don't really love Cheetos, do I? I can't... I can't deny it. How could I have such a special connection and then just deny it ever happened? Exactly, I can't. But would I just give up Coach P. like that? It really pains me to say it but I just can't love two people. I'd have to choose wouldn't I?' He could practically feel his own heart shatter as he forced himself to crumple the bag and throw it away. It was all for good. He had to put Coach P. first.

He walked out of the bathroom, holding back whatever tears his eyes could hold. He tried kicking a pebble while he walked to distract himself, but nothing helped. Nothing numbed the feeling, the pain of the idea that he had just about ruined everything. How could he love two people? Not anymore he supposed, as the Cheetos were long gone. He couldn't save them now. And it hurt more than words could describe.

As he continued his sorrowful walk back to the gym, he glanced up to see a towering figure barreling towards him. "Coach P?"

"That's me. Where have you been, Bruce? Wait, are you crying? What's wrong?" Coach P. enveloped him in a hug that filled him with warmth. A warmth instantly cooled by intrusive visions. The Cheetos? All gone. Diminished. And it was all his fault.

"Baby please. Talk to me, Walls," He spoke so softly that he knew it'd be okay. The Cheetos never mattered anyway. I'd much rather be right here, right now, with the love of my life.

THE END!!!!11!!1!1!1!!1!1!!1!1!1

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