Ch 1.

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Todoroki's Pov:

"Midoryia! Midoriya watch out! Midoriya!" Those were the words I spoke before I woke up in a cold sweat. I was having the most horriffic dream where Midoriya and I were fighting some Villians and then Midoriya got hit by a quirk pretty badly. After he was hit was when I woke up. Izuku Midoriya was the light of my life. He had taught me many things like that my fire side was mine and not my dad's quirk and that if I wanted to forgive my dad that I could but to take my time on it. Ever since we did our work study with my father, I couldn't help but notice Midoriya more. The way his hair danced in the wind, the way his eyes lit up when he smiled, the way his fa- Oh? What's this? I'm getting a text from Midoriya. "Hey Todoroki, wanna come hang at my dorm later since it's our day off?" I smiled at his message. Wothout a second thought I quickly responded, "Yeah, sure, I have nothing planned today anyways." It was around 9 in the morning so I was still in my sleeping clothes. I quickly changed into a black button up and some jeans. This was what I wore on most days off, even if it was hot outside. I opened the door to my dorm and peeked outside. I didn't see anyone so I headed to the kitchen downstairs. I made me some eggs and bacon for breakfast and I made Midoriya some as well. I also made us iced tea and put it on a plate to bring to his dorm. As I was going up the elevator, my phone buzzed. It was probably Midoriya asking if I was headed over. I couldn't answer him however because my hands were full. When the elevator reached his floor, I got off and headed quietly to his room. I bumped my foot against the door lightly and he came and opened it for me. I stepped inside and he closed it behind me. I sat the breakfast down on his desk and sat on his bed. Midoriya and I hung out all the time when we had free days. Everyone was suspicious of us dating and whenever someone mentioned it or asked, Midoriya would always blush and I'd have to answer because he'd go quiet. It was clear Midoriya liked me and I think I was starting to like him too and not just as a friend. Midoriya came out to me a while ago and the poor boy was so scared for anyone else to find out. I comforted him and told him it was alright and he was valid and I accepted him. That day, he cried on my chest for what seemed like hours. I was still trying to figure out my sexuality. It was clear I liked girls but I had a thing for boys. I think that's called Bisexual but I wasn't completely sure if that was me or not. "Todoroki, you know you didn't have to bring my breakfast too right?" Midoriya asked with a slight blush on his face. I couldn't help but smile at how cute he was. "Of course I did Midoryia, it was only fair since I was already on my way up here." Midoriya smiled and took his breakfast. I also took mine and started eating. "So Todoroki, what do you wanna do today? Maybe a walk?" As he asked me, I looked out the window. It looked like it was going to rain so I shook my head, "No, I think it's best if we stay inside today." Surely enough, right as I said that, it startes to rain outside. Midoriya finished eating and he went to a drawing he was working on. I never took him for much of an artist but Midoriya could draw anything and anyone. Right now it looked as if he were drawing me. I smiled. Midoriya was one of the only people who managed to make me smile. He was truly something else. I watched him as he drew my hair. Such fine strokes were impossible for anyone who didn't know what they were doing but not for Midoriya. He was a natural! As the rain poured, Midoriya finished the drawing. Before I even knew it, it'd been 2 hours. Midoriya handed me the drawing and I inspected it for a minute. He got everything right! He even took extra time just to get my hair exactly like how mine was. I smiled, "Thanks Midoriya, I'll cherish this picture forever." I said. Midoriya's face lit up and it was just the cutest thing ever! I couldn't help but notice his light blush and his big goofy smile. It felt like when it was just the two of us, it was me and him against the world! I couldn't resist ruffling his hair. I was slightly taller than him so I kinda towered over him but kinda didn't. For the rest of the day we did nothing but mostly talk. Before we knew it, the two of us were on his bed cuddling to the sound of rain and the faint light the moon that shown into the room. This happened a lot when one of us came to the other's room. I couldn't help but to cuddle the precious broccoli boy that I heald in my arms as of now. I ran my fingers through his hair. He was just so cute! He reminded me of an adorable little kid who needed to have it's innocence protected at all times. I heard a small snore and I looked down only to find a sleeping Midoriya in my arms. I smiled, I was staying the night here. No way was I waking him up. I shifted to lay down and pulled Midoriya close. Before I knew it, I too fell asleep.


6:00 AM
Midoriya's Pov:

I woke up to a pair of arms loosley wrapped around me. I turned to see who's arms they were. I almost jumped out of his embrace when I saw it was Todoroki. I think I accidentally woke him up because he opened his eyes. "Good morning Midoriya." He said, right in my ear. His morning voice was so soft and raspy that it made me blush from one ear to the other. "G-G-Good morning Todoroki!" I exclaimed, "Did you sleep well?" he asked. I nodded. I wasn't exactly to where I could talk yet. Todoroki kept his arms around me for a minute or two before he stretched. I kinda wished he would have kept them there. It was obvious that I had a crush on Todoroki. I'd been secretly talking to Uraraka about it and she told me that she'd see what she could do to help. She was so supportive. Out of all my classmates, her and Todoroki were my closest friends. "Announcement, do to the weather, all classes for today have been canceled." I smiled, looks like I have another day to spend with Todoroki. "Bummer, I was hoping to get some training in." Todoroki said which made me frown a little. He noticed and wrapped his arms back around me. "But, I'd rather stay here with you anyways, Midoriya." He said which made me smile a bit. I decided that in a few days I'll ask him if he wants to go on a date. I know he's still figuring out his sexuality but, what's the harm in a fun little date? My crush on Todoroki grew stronger every day. The way his hair shined in the light, the way he smiled, his face, his everything. He was so warm. Sometimes I just wanted to kiss him just to shut him up but I was far too shy and not bold enough to do that. I looked outside at the rain. It just wouldn't let up. I wonder if it's a bad storm? I guess I won't know until I look at my phone but right now, I don't wanna move. Todoroki nuzzled his head into my hair. I smiled. Todoroki was so sweet. I'm pretty sure I just imagined it but I think Todoroki kissed my head. I lightly blushed at the thought. We eventually got up and just hung out for the rest of the day. I didn't ask him about kissing my head and I didn't want to. I just did like normal and tried to keep my composure. Todoroki stayed the night in my room again and slept next to me. And that's what happened for the rest of the night.

An: HEYY GUYS!!! I hope everyone who read the other TodoDeku story liked it and I hope you all like this one as well. Don't expect me to update on this all the time but I'll update on it when I have the chance. (No I will not make you guys wait years for me to update this lol 😅) Anyways, hope you enjoyed Ch 1. Love ya guys!

"Rainy Days." (A TodoDeku fanfic.)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt