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The nagging ring echos in the room, throwing a pillow over my head I try my best to block out the sound. My alarm continues to go off until  I finally slam my hand down on it, snuggling back under the covers in hopes to get a few more minutes of sleep before the day has to begin it seems my brother however has other plans.

"Y/n we are going to be late! Get up" Dustin yells as he pegs a shoe at my face, I sit up in bed and stare at him intensely, he awkwardly stares back. "Hurry up" Is all he says before rushing out of the room. I groan as you drag yourself from the warmth of the bed, taking a glance at myself in the mirror before picking out an outfit for the day.

A pair of baggy jeans and a top should be fine, I brush out my hair and put on a bit of make-up then run downstairs in search of breakfast. Mum isn't up yet and Dustin is shoving cereal in his mouth like there is no tomorrow "Dude slow down, you're going to choke" I tell him, taking the box from next to him and grabbing my serving.

Dustin and I both get in the car and he instantly starts complaining to me again, "Can you just talk to her?" He asks, I take a quick look at him with a raised eyebrow "Talk to who?" I question. "Max, Lucas really misses her and-" I stop him before he can continue "Look Dustin it's sweet that you're trying to help them but if they are really meant to be they will find their way back to each other eventually, its best just to stay out of it" I inform him. 

Max had broken up with Lucas a few weeks ago, she couldn't handle being in a relationship and I couldn't blame her. Things haven't been easy since billy and although I haven't completely moved on I have more than max has, she doesn't open up much, only to me late at night. She would always call my house, asking me to come over because she had another nightmare, she's like a little sister to me, and I promised her that nothing will ever hurt her.

Pulling up into the school parking lot I find a park and bring the car to a quick stop, "Jesus" Dustin comments as he gets out and hurries off. "Bye" I sarcastically yell, he waves to me as he continues running.

I spot my friend's car Steve Harrington.

Walking over to the car, Robbin gathered her things. I lean down to the open window to talk to the two "Hey losers" I smile at them, "Hey Y/n, how's it going?" Steve asks as robin continues to stare at herself in the car mirror "Yeah not too bad..." I watch her in confusion, I've never seen robin be so obsessed with her looks. 

"What's with her?" I ask steve as I continue to watch her, "Robins got herself a little crush" Steve teases, clearly annoying Robin "Really steve!?" She asks him "hey it's true" He throws his hands up defensively. Robin rolls her eyes and gets out of the car saying goodbye to Steve, "Will I be seeing you at the game, Henderson?" Steve asks, I'm not too interested in the basketball game, I see no purpose in going unless it's to see Robin perform. "I wouldn't count on it" I smile at him. I say my goodbyes and head to school with Robin.

"So whos the lucky girl?" I ask teasingly "Hey not too loud! I don't want people to know" She says, lowering her head "Right sorry, Whos the 'guy' then" I correct myself. "Just someone in band, don't worry about it" She pushes it to the side as we both push through the crowded hallways. "You're so boring" I whine. 

Time skip-

The cheerleaders throw around their pompoms as the band loudly plays their music, and the excitement grew as our team made it to the final game. I stand next to Max and Dustin, both of which seem 'so thrilled' to be here (not).

Dustin and Mike argue about whose girlfriend is better, "You do know el saved the world twice right?" Mike argues "and yet you still have a C in Spanish" Dustin tries his best to outdo him but fails. "Can you shut up, your both idiots" I shout at them, trying my best to compete with the surrounding noise.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2022 ⏰

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