chapter 3 || Training powers

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It was morning and Sloane went to
Y/n's room just to check on her

Sloane: you still awake?

Y/n: well technically yes I am awake.

Sloane: you know I saw you and Ben earlier

Y/n: we didn't do anything I promise we just talk that's all

Sloane: well we had a meeting later that you should train your powers and try to control it

Y/n: ok ok I will

Sloane: get dress already there's breakfast downstairs

Y/n got dress and got ready, she comes down stairs and eat breakfast

Marcus: did you tell her already?

Sloane: yes I did she will train later

Marcus: good.

Fei: y/n's here.

Y/n: where's my (your fav cereal)?!?

Fei: oh ben ate it.

Jayme: don't worry were going to buy you later, btw wanna come?

Y/n: of course! Where to?

Jayme was about to reply to that but ben interrupted her
Ben: you have to train your powers y/n.

Y/n: well after we go by my cereal .I'll just train my powers later

Marcus: by the way Ben is the one going to help you train it, and train it at the park not here.

Y/n: yeah yeah, JAYME COME ON LET'S GO

Jayme: coming!

Alphonso: hey I wanna come too.. with a sad face on him

Jayme: ok fine. Let's go

Y/n,Jayme and Alphonso goes out and goes the store to buy some candy, cereal's and more essentials they needed
after that they go home.

Ben: I've been waiting for you gosh. Come on.

Y/n: sorry I kept you waiting alfonso can't pick his candy.

Ben: it's fine. Come on before it gets dark outside.

Ben and y/n goes to the park and train her powers. Y/n kept failing to control it because it was too powerful but she manage it.
(Ben was very VERY tired of it though)

After training her, They go home and eat dinner, Ben bought y/n some
(your fav food for lunch)

Sloane: i thought you haven't eaten anything I made your favorite soup, if you want some I'll heat it up

Y/n: oh it's okay Ben bought me my fav food I'll just eat the soup later, I'm just gonna go to my room LATERS BYE

Fei: well how did the training go?

Ben: it was good? She can manage control it, she just needs more time training.

Marcus: well that's a good news, by the way dad said we have another a mission to do.

Fei: what? Another mission? Well how about y/n she's still training.

Marcus: We have to kill the umbrella academy and beside y/n is here to protect us remember?

Jayme & Alphonso: NO!

Marcus: wha- why?

Ben: dude. She's still training and she's struggling to control the power she holds. If she's going to do that she will loose all of it. You know how that powers can do ? It can destroy the world Marcus.

Marcus: Fine. It's either she stays here or she will come with us and fight the other "children's" of dad.

Ben: I'll talk to her about this.

Ben was about to goes upstairs but y/n was already on the stairs. They didn't know y/n was listening to the conversation
Y/n: I don't want any fight. You know I'm still trying control it. so imma go upstairs laters!

Jayme & Alphonso: can we go to your room? Pleaseee

Y/n: uh.. yeah sure

Jayme & Alphonso: YES!

Y/n let Jayme and Alphonso go to her room they hang out and watch movies after that they play games. Jayme ask questions and y/n answers.

(Ben ask Jayme and Alphonso earlier if they can ask y/n who is her crush so they spying)

Jayme: sooo do you have any crush?

Y/n: umm why your asking me that..

Jayme: nothing just wanna know

Y/n: well no one..

Jayme: hmm you sure?

Alphonso: your crush is Ben is it?

Y/n: /*speechless..

Jayme: your crush is BEN?!?

Y/n: /*nods

Jayme: OMG!

Alphonso: but your siblings tho

Jayme: step siblings!

Y/n: ok enough! I don't want to answer any of your questions so please get out!

Jayme & Alphonso: yeah we're going out SLEEP WELL!!!

Jayme and Alphonso go down stairs and just watch tv and waited Ben to go downstairs, while watching Ben go downstairs and ask them who's y/n's crush

Ben: so??? Who is it??

Jayme: it was you

Alphonso: yeah when I said Ben she was speechless

Ben: mhm.. blushing uhh see u later im just buy something

He remembered that y/n have period right now

Fei & Sloane: MALL?! CAN WE COME?!

Ben: no?.

Ben goes to the mall and buy y/n's (your fav food, your fav flowers, your fav hoodie) , after that Ben go home.

Sloane: OoooooooOoooooo Who's that for?

Ben: um it's for my girlfriend...

Fei: yeah but you don't have a girlfriend though?

Ben: I do

Fei: you dont

Sloane: y/n will be sad about this

Jayme: yea she might get depressed

Ben just go upstairs and ignored those comments of his siblings. He goes to y/n room

Ben: y/n you there? Opens the door um here.

Y/n: what's this for?..

Ben: you have period remember?

Y/n: aww thank you

Y/n kiss Ben's cheek

Ben: blushes

Y/n: thank you for this I really need it

Ben: no problem bye.

Y/n: why he's being so weird.

[Creator: sorry this is the end of the story me and my cousin had a roadtrip. Promise that I will try to make the chapter 4!]

"Question: who's your fav character in sparrow academy?"

Mine: Jayme ofc and Ben

(See you at chapter 4)
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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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