1-Servant of God

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"But, M. le Maire..."

"I will see it done."

Javert could not get the words out of his head as he laid restlessly on his bunk. The man's tone...

"I will see it done."

The inspector Javert rolled onto his front, resting his chin on his balled-up fists. He knew he was missing a piece. He knew it. There was no way "M. le Maire" was really M. Madeleine.

No way in Hell.

"I will see it done."

Gazing out the grimy glass window, Javert saw dawn slowly breaking. The black sky was receding to dark blue, tinged with pinks and whites. The stars were being replaced by the clouds.

Javert had always been fascinated by the stars. Those little spots of light, billions and billions of miles from where le lay, knew everything. They were children of God.

"You must know, stars," whispered the man into his knuckles. "You must know who this man is."

But if they knew, they didn't say.

Too bad. Javert had an idea of his own.


"Yes, monsieur, I believe so."

"Inspector Javert, I hope you are right, because this is a very serious accusation."

"I am aware, Officer."

Javert stood as straight as he could, his deep, gravelly voice penetrating the room with precise aplomb.

The Officer before him sat down at his desk and shuffled some papers.

"Well, then, if you are sure... The first step would be to inv—"

But he got no further. An impatient knock on the door interrupted the man.

"Come in," he said, annoyed.

A young boy strode nervously into the room.

"Sir, I'm very sorry to interrupt your— your meeting—" sideward glance to Javert "—but there's been an apprehension. M. Dire told me you had expressed a desire to be kept informed about a certain prisoner who had escaped, a certain—" the messenger looked down at a slip of paper he was holding "—2—"

"Yes, yes, I know," interrupted the angered Officer. "Well? What is this terribly important news?"

"Sir. It's just, he's been caught."

"What?" This time, it was Javert who spoke. Shooting an apologetic glance to the Officer, he continued. "Who was it, then?"

"It was a man from a city rather far from here, M..."

"Nevermind," cut the Officer. "Thank you, boy."

The messenger bowed curtly and showed himself out the door again.

"Inspector, I presume this is not the man of whom you spoke?"

Javert lifted his cap and ran a tremulous hand through his hair, seeking words to explain his terrible mistake.

"Very well," reprised the Officer. "Luckily for you, however, I will make no note of this false accusation if you show yourself out without another word."

Javert did just that, his face still frozen in incredulity.

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