4-A Letter

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Jean Valjean was leaning against the inside of the door he had just shown Javert out of, breathing heavily.

Everything he had said was true.

The mayor of Montreuil strode over to his desk. Valjean had always had a Shakespeare penchant. Opening his collector's edition of Romeo and Juliet, Valjean flipped through it, unable to focus on anything. His work lay before him, unattended to.

A sudden knock on the door startled him, causing him to start and drop his book on the floor in surprise.


The door clicked open for the second time that morning and a townsboy walked in, holding a yellow envelope.

"M. le Maire, a letter for you," the boy said, holding out the paper to Jean Valjean.

"Merci," said Valjean, a deepening sense of foreboding piercing his gut.

M. Madeleine tore the letter open as the townsboy bowed out of the room, read it, a frown spreading on his face, eyes widening, until he dropped the letter and dashed out the door.

If someone were to walk into the room at this precise moment, they would have found a letter and a book, side by side, abandoned on the floor. One would read:

Pardonnez moi, Monsieur le Maire. I had a wonderful breakfast with you this morning and I will remember it forever. Unfortunately, I find myself guilty of emotions beyond my control and I must leave town this very moment. I hope we meet again, perhaps under more suitable circumstances. I apologize once more.

From the other, the book, a passage would jump out of the page at the reader:

My only love, sprung from my only hate.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2015 ⏰

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