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hello hello!!! welcome to ET ( or eiders tolerance! ) there is a password here you must pm me after making a form! after that, you can make forms for free.

01. no bullying. this rule will result in a kick-p ban. it depends on the form of bullying. regular will result in a kick, while more major bullying like racism and homophobic remarks will be an immediate p ban.

02. warriors only date warriors. the max age gap is 7 moons apart. any older or younger than that will result as a removal in the character and a kick. more pedophilia will be a p ban for you.

03. you listen to me. no mini modding or pestering people about breaking a rule. i will deal with that. and if you refuse to listen to the rules, everyone in the rp will be told to mute you.

04. hate the character, NOT THE PLAYER. this is like the bullying. bullying the player results in a kick/ban ( depending on how major the bullying is. ) if you are nit-picking someone, it will be 3 warnings before a kick. and if all you're doing is refusing to play with the character, that's fine.

05. theres no power-playing. this varies from "my character can't die" to actual powers. only i have the power to give characters a gift. my character is always okay to kill though, as i do not power-play regular ocs and only do it for entertainment purposes. the code is your favourite food, and i hope you understand this and only power-play if it is allowed by me.

06. "permissions please!" always ask permissions when it comes to others characters. this means ask before trying to kill or hurt a character, or control them, or anything you want to do to a character. it all requires permissions.

that's about it! i hope you can follow the rules so everyone has a fun time!



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