Chapter 3

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"Munson, how many times am I going to have to arrest you?"

"Until I learn, so I guess I'll be here a lot." I told Hopper. "Wren, this would be what? The twentieth time I have arrested you?" Hopper asked, looking at me as he looked up from his computer. "Something like that." Hopper rolled his eyes. "I thought after the last time you were brought in it would be the last time. Now you're not sober, drunk, and higher than a kite. What did you take?"

"Whatever was brought." I answered.

"You do understand that you could be facing some chargers right?"

"For what?"

"Oh I don't know, maybe BURNING DOWN THE LIFEGUARD TOWER AND THE LAKE SHACK!" Hopper said yelling the last part.

"I didn't light those on fire. Haze and I light the old wooden boat on fire." I told him. "The boat didn't belong to anyone, it's sat on the lake for a long time, so what's the problem?"

" 'What's the problem?' You don't care what happens to you, do you?"

"I really don't Hopper."

"How would your old man feel that his little girl is following down the same path he was?"

"Don't you dare bring him up in this conversion!"

"Or your mom, how would she feel that her only daughter has been to jail more times than an average teenager? Or that your uncle and your brother might have to go to a courthouse again to find out if your going back to juvie and the possibility of not getting out?" I put my hands on my head and shook my head as well as I started to cry a bit. "Okay, I get it, I'm sorry that I'm such a fuck up! There is that what you wanted me to say Hopper? That I'm not that good kid you met when I was a little girl?"

"What happened to that little girl?"

"She died. She died when her mother walked out on her and died again when her father got sent to jail again, she died and she's never coming back."I told him, I moved my hands from face, as I had moved them to wipe my tears. "Why do you do this to me?"

"You need to think about the next time something like this happens. I need you to think about the life that you would be throwing away if you keep doing the wrong things your doing right now. You have two more years left until you are graduating high school, you need to focus on doing what's right and not throwing your life away. I expect this from Eddie since he was always the trouble maker, not you." Hopper took my handcuffs off. "I'm not going to put you on the report with your so called friends but they will be on it, I can't keep letting you have Wren, next time I'm writing you up. Now go home, shower and go to sleep. You have school in the morning." I nodded my head at Hopper and left and walked home.


Waking up in the morning sucked, I felt like I was dying. I grabbed a random outfit and went to the bathroom and took a quick shower before I struggled to put my outfit on before I was out the door and rushing to school. I didn't really look at my outfit when I left. I walked to the school since it wasn't that far from our house.

I got to the school and saw kids were still hanging out in the front courtyard. I ignored the stares that I was getting and walked into the school. I regret not looking at my outfit before leaving.

"Munson's showing some skin!"

"Damn Munson's hot when she's not wearing baggy shirts."

I shook my head and went to my locker, where the girls were. "Wenny baby, what are you wearing?" Robin asked as she looked at me

"I was still half asleep when I got dressed, I didn't know I was going to get this kind of reaction from people."

Robin started to dig through her bag and once she found whatever it was she tossed it to me. "Wear the hoodie, and at lunch I'll head down to your house and grab you a different outfit."

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