Juleka & Mylene

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Previously on Destruction...

Gabriel didn't tear his eyes away from the window he looked out of, "It's about one of my son's friends. Her name is Marinette. She almost died a few days ago."

The butterfly kwami was silent. He didn't know what to say. The least he could do was give his master company as he stood there deep in thought.

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As Alya made her way back to her home classroom with Detective Crow following her, her mind replayed the interview she had with those two EU officials. What did they know about her best friend Lila Rossi? Absolutely nothing. They didn't know what they were talking about. They must have gotten her mixed up with another Lila or something like that. And what they said about her journaling skills really got on her nerves. It was a surprise she hadn't gotten akumatized yet.

It came as a surprise to her that there was no Ladybug or Chat Noir roaming the rooftops of Paris for the past couple of nights. No Hawkmoth akumatizing anyone. No Mayura amokitizing anything either.

The dark-skinned girl clenched both of her fists. As far as Alya knew, the Lila the EU officials spoke about was nothing like the one she knew about. Lila was a sweet girl who was doing spectacular things. Things that none of her other classmates could live up to. As for Marinette, Alya didn't think it was right of her to bash Lila for her accomplishments. Yeah, Marinette had done a lot of good as well, but that didn't mean she needed to be rude to Lila because she was doing better than her.

"Let your classmate Juleka Couffaine, know that she's the next one, alright?" Crow gave her a gentle smile.

Alya walked into the classroom quietly and slowly walked up the stairs and let Juleka know she was next to be interviewed. She watched as Juleka nodded and left the classroom. It was now time for Alya to resume her studies. She whispered to Lila, "What page are we on?"

"Five hundred three," she replied.

"Thanks." the brunette found she couldn't concentrate at all. She looked at the clock. Seemingly, she felt as if time was just too slow. Alya didn't want to disrupt the class by confronting Lila about anything. She glanced at the girl sitting next to her. It looked like she was really nervous about something. So, she put her hand on Lila's shoulder, "Hey girl, everything's going to be okay. I'm sure they're just here because they want to make this place a safer place."

"I'm not nervous about them, Alya. I'm nervous about Marinette returning to school to finish the job," she whispered.

"What do you mean by 'finish the job'?"

"Well, before Marinette tried to kill herself, she told me she'd be taking me with her if she didn't succeed."


"Alya, please. We are in the middle of class." Ms. Bustier gave her a stern look.

"Lila said Marinette threatened her before she tried to kill herself!"

There were murmurs among the students. Most of the girls gasped while Chloe rolled her eyes. The boys looked really uncomfortable to say anything.

"Then report that to Detective Crow when Juleka comes back."

"But threatening someone is a crime!"

Adrien stood up from his seat, "You know, Alya," he began. "I thought you would have gained some common sense after Marinette tried to take her own life. Guess I've been mistaken."

"Common se-"

"I'm not going to repeat myself. So, I'm going to say this once and only once. If you keep defending Lila, I'll make your life a living Hell." the blond gathered his things and left the classroom.

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