Chapter 6

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Connor began to panic. He ran in circles. He paced. He pondered what to do. The car was gone, and the home phone was broken. He said out loud to himself, "What have I done?" It then dawn upon him that the man with the gun could still be around. He ran inside, and locked himself in the bathroom.


Two hours passed, and no one came back to the house. Connor had tears streaming down his face, and was trying to keep quiet. He was really hungry too, which made matters worse. He hasn't even eaten a crumb that day. He sat impatiently for another fifteen minutes, and finally gathered enough courage to peer around the door. He open it only a small bit. Then a bit more. Little by little until the door was entirely open. He took small steps back out of the bathroom to the refrigerator.

A note was stuck there: Hey C, sorry I wasn't able to run up and get you. This is urgent. Gavin fell down the stairs apparently, and his head is cracked open. We are at the hospital, no idea when we will be home. I was making dinner when this happened, so there is some chicken noodle soup in the microwave. Call using the phone in the-

The what? Conner thought. There was a phone, and why did his mom stop her note so abruptly? He got the soup from the microwave, and grabbed a spoon, and shoveling it into his mouth, not caring at this point what sounds he made. But as he got up to put the salty bowl away, something red and shiny on white caught his eye. He set the bowl down, and turned towards the fridge. There was a drop of blood running down under the note.

Connor's neck hair stood on end, and he ducked down instinctively under the counter. He peered over the top, and the blood droplet continued its steady stream down. And another Crimson droplet coursed it's way down the cold silver door of the refrigerator, making the original droplet continue its path down the metal. Connor crouched down a tiny bit more, and was curled up in a position of a ball. The man was still here, for the matalicly scent of blood was fresh. 

Once he made it to the fridge, and slowly started tearing the post-it note away. More drops found their way down. Once his mother's note was completely torn away, Connor peered at what was behind it. His eyes went completely black, and his hearing was impaired with a high-pitched buzzing noise. He barely won the battle against loss of consciousness. He re-focused, and read the note behind his mother's, which was written in the most vivid shade of red ink he'd ever seen. No... Not ink, Connor reminded himself, blood. The most vivid shade of red blood ever.

The note read;

You have 4 weeks.
You know who I am.
On Friday, something terrible will happen to you.
I know you.
I came in from your room.
Watch out for the gun.
4 weeks to find me and stop me.
On the last day,
you die.

-Good Night. Sleep tight,
                  The guy about to get the money

Connor's vision faltered once more. He collapsed to the ground in a heap. He was just a kid! How could he find the adult, let alone stop him?! He needed to tell someone. Not his parents; they would end up isolating him in his room, to keep him safe. But the person came from his room? No. He needed to tell someone a little more... Helpful. Gavin. He would ask Gavin! He wouldn't immediately ask him, but he would. In time. Friday was only a mere 3 days away, too!

Conor felt a pang of guilt for hurting his brother. There was no way he would help. But it was worth a shot. But then he remembered, he was still isolated and alone. A surge of courage went through Connor quickly, but then disappeared. He tried to grab hold of it once more, but it slipped through his head. But he stood up anyways. He snuck over to the garage door, and opened it into the garage. The gun was still there, but the blood was almost gone. He sprinted towards the gun, and grabbed it with his right hand. It was only a small modern day pistol, so he knew the basics from the video games that he played. He pointed it around to get the feel, and then snuck back into the house, with the element of surprise still at his play. The hospital is in walking distance, only about a mile, so he could run away if he needed to.

He hid in the washing machine area for 15 minutes, not wanting to lose his stealth. As he moved around the corner, the bloody mess was gone. The note was in his pocket, so he didn't need to worry about losing that. The fridge was clean. Another note laid in the center of the counter Connor snuck up to it, heartbeat in his ears, and read it slowly.

One more thing,
I am still here.
In this house.
Don't die.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2019 ⏰

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