Chapter 5: Her Comfort Zone

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Strawberry's POV

I felt a tugging feeling when I woke up in the middle of the night. Head filled with the nightmare about my sisters.
I sat up slowly and yawned, still dreary and tired. Gingerbrave lay next to me, sleeping soundly.
Why can't I sleep without thinking of them?
There was this huge guilt on my shoulders I couldn't get off, I wanted to scratch it off. Get rid of it.
B-But I just couldn't.
"G—Gingerbrave?" I turned around, looking at the sleeping cookie next to me. Brave only grumbled, turning his back on me. "B-Brave...please..."
"" He covered his face, I started to shake him.
"W—Wake up." My eyes started to tear. "W-Wake up!"
"What?" He suddenly sat up, making me jump, my heart skipping and beating fast. "Huh?"
He looked at me, "Oh...Strawb. Hey, what's up?" Gingerbrave pondered softly, realizing I was a bit scared and had tears clinging to my eyes. "You're...crying?" He held my face with one hand, making me blush.
"I-I..." I mumbled, c'mon! Strawberry you're better than mumbling an "I"!
"Uhm..." I sighed, my body quivering. "I-I can't s—sleep..."
His head cocked to one side, "Why?"
"I uh—I don't..." I looked to the ground. "P—ast..."
"Oh Strawb..." Brave took my hand in his. "I'm sorry, is there something I could do to help you?"
I grasped his hand in my two palms, embracing the comfort that he gives me.
"M-Maybe...hug..." I suggested.
That only brought me back to long ago.


"M-Mama? P-Papa?" I shook my Papa's hand, he looked at me while Mama sat up.
"What happened Strawberry Cookie?" Mama asked me, I grabbed the sheets and struggled to climb into their bed, but Papa helped me up.
"Did you have a bad nightmare again?" Papa said, I nodded.
"I dreamed of l-l-losing you..." I whimpered, starting to cry. Papa picked me up and put me in between him and Mama.
"All you need is some cuddles and lullabies!" Mama told me, both of them cuddling close to me and wrapping their arms around me, almost like a secure door.
"S-Sing my favorite one!" I pleaded. "Please?"
"Of course sweet pie."
As they started to sing, I quickly settled myself into a comfort zone. My dreams, my happy place. If I ever were to get out, it would scare me there.
But Mama and Papa are holding onto me, I won't drift away.


I snapped back to reality, looking at Gingerbrave.
"Hm?" I said, Brave let his other free hand on my two hands, enclosing our bind.
"You okay? You looked dazed." He asked, I blinked at him.
"I dunno..." I murmured. I suddenly realized how far off I had been since Mama and Papa's death. I've gone past my comfort—am I going insane?!
"G-Gingerbrave?!" I whisper-shouted, remembering that the others were asleep.
"Yeah, what happened? Are you okay?"
"I'm going insane! I'm g—losing it!" I let go of Brave's hands and clutched onto myself tightly. "Mama and Papa aren't here and—and now that they're dead, I'll drift away!" I started to cry, loudly, making the others stir in their sleep. Gingerbrave quickly grabbed me and started to softly shush me and pet my head, I toned my cries down but that didn't stop me from freaking out.
"W-We need to find them!" I squirmed in Gingerbrave's arms, but his grip was steady and strong. "L-Let me go!"
"No, I can't, Strawberry! Calm down, shhh..." He softly whispered in my ear, he let his arms loosen the grip a little. "Please Strawb, you need to let go."
Let go.
Let go?!
I fell silent, whimpering but awestruck. Gingerbrave noticed but kept shushing me gently.
"Shhh...Strawberry? Are you okay now?"
"N—No..." I whimpered, covering my face with my hands. "I-I can't let go of Mama and Papa..."
"Oh uh...forget that I said that." He muttered to me, sighing. "Anyway...what do you mean...drift away?"
"I-I always had this thought..." I started. "t-that whenever I dream, t-that w-w-was my comfort zone. And nightmares...f-feel like I drifted away from that zone." I sniffled, Gingerbrave still petted my head, making me calm down. "But...Mama and Papa were always there for me...they always have..." I started to cry again, I turned myself so that I could cry on Brave's shoulder. Snuggling myself into his chest.
"T-They're gone."
Gingerbrave held me close as I let it out, tears ran down his chest from my eyes. I wanted my family back.
"Hey...hey...shhh shhh..." Brave rested his head on mine, letting his hands rest on my back. " you wish for some amazing hugs?" He pondered playfully, I nodded onto his chest. I let go and we both laid down, hugging each other again.
"C-Can you...sing me a song too?" I pleaded, he nodded, smiling at me.
"I can't sing but I'll hum, what song do you prefer?"
"Uh, there's this one song..."


Something shook me awake, I sat up quickly to realize it was Strawberry Crepe.
"Crepe, don't do that!" Carmen Sandiego Cookie called from afar.
"She's a deep sleeper!" They got up and headed toward Creampuff Cookie who was enjoying their Jelly Stew. "How else was I supposed to wake her up?!"
"Gently?" Creampuff suggested.
I got up and brushed any dust off from my hoodie. Stretching and yawning after I finished that.
"Deep sleeper, Creampuff." Crepe said, italicizing it.
"Still, Strawberry isn't used to your sibling-like moves." Wizard Cookie sat down, now enjoying his stew.
"Besides, no one wants to wake up to that." Gingerbrave said, holding two bowls for him and me. I sat beside him, grabbing the spoon and dipping it to the scenting stew.
"Don't worry, my sibling Appleberry Cookie does that sometimes." I giggled softly.
Appleberry Cookie.
The thoughts from last night flooded back but I canceled it out. I sighed.
"Who made this stew?" I queried.
"Oh I did, but..." Carmen started, pointing to Gingerbrave. "this little kiddo almost set us on fire."
"No! I didn't!" Brave countered. "If Chili hadn't bumped into me!"
"That was an accident Buttons!" Chili argued back. "Besides you were daydreaming of Pinky anyway!"
"Pinky?" I pondered innocently, Gingerbrave's eyes widened and made a motion with his arm slicing his neck. Cut it out? What do they mean?
Chili Pepper Cookie gave a smug smirk in response.
"Oh brother." Creampuff Cookie facepalmed.
"Pinky is you Strawb!" Chili Pepper giggled.
My face turned red.
"She's lying Strawberry!" Gingerbrave patted my back, blushing as well. "RIGHT—Chili?"
"Haha, no—" Chili got a shoulder smack from Carmen, she glared at her and sighed. "Yep! Sure I guess."
Brave let out a satisfied sigh.
"Oh my, you guys are confusing." Wizard commented, Carmen nodding as an agreement.
"But we should finish up! We have to keep looking for Strawberry's sisters!" Creampuff announced.
"Hey Strawb." Gingerbrave muttered to me, I looked to him in question. "Are you okay? From last night?"
"Uhm..." I sighed. "Yeah. I hope."


We were headed for the next kingdom, we took a different route since Gingerbrave had said the original path takes too long. So now, the Cacao kingdom lays ahead. Carmen Sandiego Cookie felt uncomfortable but obliged, I wonder why, I hope she didn't have to fight anyone there.
I looked solemnly to the ground, sometimes looking at some birds that passed by but...I felt...wrong.
I sighed, my legs already felt tired, I felt a bump on my hand. I turned to the side and found Brave wanting to hold my hand. I happily took it, wrapping my hand around his, my face bloomed red. His hand was warm, and it felt nice that someone cared enough to actually hold my hand.
I wish I could know more about love.
" the Cacao Kingdom far from here?" I asked, Brave shook his head.
"I'm sure we're getting close. But it'll be very cold."
"Oh, speaking of cold!" Creampuff paused and started to use her wand, waving it around. "We should get warm clothes. Just to be safe."
With just one poof we all had scarfs, gloves, hats, and other essential items for a harsh winter.
I was wearing a scarf over my mouth, winter boots, and was wearing magenta gloves. I didn't want these gloves though, I wanted Brave's warmth...but I didn't wanna argue.
I only sighed and out my hands in my pocket. Avoiding eye contact from Gingerbrave as I knew he was staring at me, wondering and worried.
"Strawb..." He whispered. "Are you really okay?"
"Yes." I answered, and kept walking ahead. "I'm still tired..."
"Alright...I was just making sure okay?" He smiled at me, I smiled back and neared closer to him. I felt safe. I really felt safe near him.
I really loved him, didn't I?
We've made it to where the snowy parts begin. Snowflakes start to fall in this area.
Let's hope that nothing attacks us out here.


Sorry, hiatus and stuff but I finished another chapter!!! (I also got lazy in the end)

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