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"Yeah, it's coming soon.." a Russian scientist pointed out, looking into a large telescope. There were scientists from all over the world, joined in a Russian astronomy laboratory. They were watching a small star, possibly as big as a small car, going along a crash course for Earth, slowly.

"When will it make an impact on the ground?" asked an American scientist, readjusting his square glasses. The Russian shrugged, still looking, and answered, "Maybe by dawn, I don't know yet. It may slow itself as it enters the thermosphere."

The scientists watched in silence for a couple of minutes, then the Russian said, panicked, "It's accelerating!" They were now able to see the bright dot with their naked eye, and they were dressing into their second coats to chase it down. They spiraled down the steel stairs, down to ground level to try and track its direction.

"Wait a moment.." said a German scientist. They watched the star, which had somehow turned direction. They watched it descend to the ground, and saw a fraction of the explosion around a hundred miles away.

The German scientist looked at the Russian and asked, "Where was that?"

The Russian scientist stared off into the distance where the star had landed, and responded, "About forty-five miles north, into the colder portion of Siberia." The scientists took quick glances at each other, then headed back into the laboratory.

Where the star had landed, it enchanted its surroundings. The area was set free with mystical spirits, and the area was colored deep indigo hue. The creek had been frozen and the fish were mutated. The star fizzed for a few minutes, then cooled into a magic rock.

And out of the river crawled a creature.

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