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Eliza's P.O.V

Me and Wyatt were sitting under a tree together with Wyatt leaned up against the trunk of the tree and me leaned up against him we were laughing and talking and all of the above -if you know what I mean- (making out incase you didn't)

Hey, Wyatt? What do the marks on your cheek mean? I asked him while he was playing with my hair. He looked at me with a smile.

They symbolize my culture and my loyalty to my pack. He said I looked at him a little confused.

Like how? I asked he was quiet for a minute before he smiled again and spoke up.

Each mark represents a good deed or an action of loyalty that I committed. He said.

Like this one. He pointed to a spot right above his right elbow and there was single line.

This is my mark of Generosity I got this one when I was really young this mark is how I met Wynter actually. I was no older than 4 and I didn't know what they meant at the time but one day I saw one of the older pups picking on Wynter and I stood up for her it wasn't much but in our Alphas eyes it was enough to earn me a mark. It showed that I was loyal to Wynter and my pack. He explained I nodded I thought for a moment before pointing to a star like mark on his left arm.

What about this one? I asked he continued to smile at me.

Cunningness. He answered I then pointed to one on his right arm that looked identical to the one on his left.

This one? I asked.

Bravery. He said I smiled and pointed a three marks on his upper right arm.

These 3? I asked he smiled.

Courageousness, Daringness and Recklessness. He said pointing to each one I laughed.

They have a mark for being reckless? I asked he laughed at well and nodded .

Believe it or not yes. He said this just made me laugh even more.

What about these 3? I asked pointing to 3 arrowheads that seemed to be connected he smiled a little more.

These three represent the Friendship between me, Willa and Wynter. He said I frowned.

They have a mark for that? I asked he shook his head.

Not everyone has one just me and Willa. He said

I'm confused. I said he stayed quiet for a second thinking how to explain it.

When someone of me and Willa's status make our first friend it's considered a milestone. He said I just frowned he sighed.

When someone of me and Willa's bloodline makes their first friend it's important because when they get older and become Alpha their gonna need someone to lean on so when me and Willa met our first friend, Wynter, it was important because when me and Willa got older sometimes we would need to turn to Wynter for help. So that's why only me, Willa and Wynter have these marks. Get it? He asked I nodded.

I think so. I said he smiled and started to play with my hair again.

How do you get them? I asked.

By proving your worth. He said I tilted my head in a wolf like manner Wyatt smiled and laughed at my antic.

In a wolf pack each mark means something different. If you get a mark like my stars, it means that you've proven to be brave or courageous. Like I said all marks have different meanings but when you get a mark no matter what mark it is it also means that you've proven your worth meaning, you've proven that your strong enough to be in the pack. He told me I nodded.

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