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Flame looked around at the gods and demons and angels gathered, their monthly dinner party taking place once again. This place was full of purity pussies and evil wannabes alike. It was so lame that Flame couldn't help wanting to spice it up with a little trouble. She didn't care about anyone here, especially since her girlfriend was running late with her arrival, which was very unlike her. But Flame understood, with Mother being the goddess of so many things she of course had a lot to do on the daily. She just hoped Mother would be okay after how long she was working today.

Flame wandered around the room as she thought about her girlfriend, looking around for someone to bother. She spied a group of angels gathered around a table, and she decided they were going to be the target of her torture today. Flame smirked as she sauntered over to them, and as she got closer, she saw how all of them tried to hide a cringe at her arrival. Flame's smirk just widened, happy to know she already got under their skin without even trying.

"Hello, lovelies," Flame purred. "How are you all enjoying this party?" The angels all made sounds of enjoyment, not quite wanting to speak up because they knew the types of conversations Flame brought about at these gatherings. "It is lovely, isn't it?" Flame said. "Though I wish it could be more eventful. The parties we have in my domain are so much more entertaining, naked bodies scattered everywhere, moans and whines of pleasure filling the air." As Flame spoke, she saw the angels blush from discomfort, looking everywhere but at her. She chuckled silently before continuing. "I'm sure none of you would know what that's like, to be so full of pleasure and contentment. Maybe you should come down to one of my parties one day, you might just like it." Flame winked at the angels as she walked away, content with their discomfort and embarrassment.

As she wandered around the room again, thinking of who else to bother, Flame finally saw Mother talking to her husband. She saw the boredom on Mother's face as she talked to GodFather, so she decided to try to pull Mother away.

Once Flame got over to the two, she nodded respectfully to the both of them. "Hello GodFather, hello Mother. How are you both doing today?"

Mother spoke first, "I am quite alright, Flame. I've had a long day, but I'm glad to have made it here. Is the party to your liking? I spent quite a bit of time getting it ready."

Flame nodded, "It's very nice here, it looks lovely."

GodFather cleared his throat, "That's not what I heard from the angels you spoke to. They seem to have heard you say you wish it were more like the orgies you have in your domain. You said it was uneventful."

Flame sighed as he spoke, silently cursing the angels for being snitches. "I did say it was lovely, though I'm sure the snitches didn't say anything about that, did they?"

GodFather glared at Flame and said, "No, but you have been told time and time again to stop making everyone uncomfortable, yet you still go around talking about everything no one wishes to hear. Tell me, does your mouth never get tired from the never-ending movement? I can easily make that a nonissue, if you understand what I am alluding to."

Flame hid the fear that ran through her at the threat of her existence being erased, and she nodded. "I understand, GodFather."

"Good. And you, Mother," GodFather turned to look at his wife, whose face quickly changed from fear and exhaustion and settled into a mask of indifference, though Flame had seen the emotions on her face. "You need to keep a better watch on Flame, as I told you before. You have no excuse as to why you were late today, I expect better from you."

Mother bowed her head respectfully, "Yes, husband. I apologize for my tardiness, it will not happen again." Mother turned to Flame and spoke, "Flame, come with me. We need to talk about your behavior."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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