Chapter 1

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"You want pancakes today" said mom smiling down at me
"Birthday pancakes,birthday pancakes!" I chanted banging my knife and fork against the table.
"Don't do that silly,you'll put a dent in my table " said mom as she flipped a pancake high in the air and caught it in the frying pan.
I clapped,amazed by my moms skills.

"Happy birthday son" said dad running down the stairs and crushing me in a hug.
"dad....stop" I coughed
"Sorry kiddo,im just so proud,double digits!"
"The big 1 0" said mum
"do you have my presents?" I said with my eyes sparkling in the morning light.
"After pancakes" said mum putting my breakfast on the table.

It was my usual birthday breakfast,pancakes with chocolate syrup,strawberries and whipped cream.
I ate it like a pig.
But only when mom wasn't looking.
"Attention family, on this day 26 August 1971, I have gotten a new job"
Said dad like a new reporter

I moaned
Dad doesn't last long with new jobs.
I don't know why he gave up being a carpenter.
He was good at that.
"whats the job dear" said mom sipping her tea
"I'm gonna work at this new pizzeria"
"Does that mean I get free pizza?" I said jumping up and down in my seat
"No, I'm the day and night gaurd"
I sighed.
"Can I speak with for a mo Vincent" said mom
"What is it dear?"
"Follow me"

I followed them to the living room.
I pressed my ear against the door.
"So what's so great about this new job?" Mom said
"Well I love kids, because I raised one,and I was thinking of taking zack there for his birthday" said dad

I was inviting my friends over but I didn't know what we were doing.
Mom organised the party.

"Well I guess that will be nice, but don't we have to pay?" Mom said
"No! If you work there it's free!"
"Oh vinnie" mom said I think I heard them kiss.
Then I heard them walking towards the door.
I ran back to the kitchen and put my plate away.
"when will your friends arrive zack?" Asked dad
"Before lunch" I said approaching the stairs
"Well that's settled,we're going to fredbears family diner for lunch!"

What was this place like?
is it fun?
Or one of those gross diners we've been to before.

I went upstairs on put on my outfit my mom got out.


There's was a knock at the door.
"I wanna get it" I yelled running downstairs.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" chanted all my friends
"Hi tim,jack,barry and bella" I said as they each came in.
"Pizza?" Said Jack ignore that it was my b-day
"Happy birthday zack" said bella hugging me.
I blushed until tim came up to me.

"I got this for you" he said holding out a box wrapped in purple paper and a golden bow.
"Thanks buddy" I said hugging him.
"I'll take this" said dad picking up all the presents and putting them in a sack.
Bella giggled
"You look like santa" he laughed
We all cracked up laughing as dad acted like santa.

"Ok then,to the car!" Said dad
We all skipped to the car still giggling.

"Mister Vincent" Said Jack
"Yes mister jack" he said
"Where are we going?"
"We're going to the new diner down the road"
"If its down the road, why are we driving there?"
"Because we has some stuff we need to bring"
"No more questions" dad interrupted

Mom finally made it out of the house and in the car.
"Everyone ready?" She asked
"Yes" we all moaned
"Then let's go" she said nudging dad
"Huh...oh.... let's go!" he sighed, obviously tired already

After about 10 minutes we arrived at the diner.
It had a banner saying grand opening.
The doors were closed but I still saw kid jumping around and having fun.
We started jumping excitedly.
"Go ahead you little rabbits"
We laughed as we ran towards the door.

I tripped over but got up and kept going.
"I'm winning" yelled Tim
barry just walked.
"You ok bud?" I asked
"Yea,i just don't wanna run"

We entered the diner to see kids everywhere.
We went to the stage to see a golden bunny animatronic.
"That's scary" said Barry
"Don't worry" I said
"Race ya to the party room" Jack yelled

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