Chapter 8

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I tossed and turned in bed thinking of those voices that helped me.
If they helped me, then why didn't they help Mack or mom?
Am I just going crazy?

Mike walked in and sat at the end of the bed.
"You ok bud?" He asked
"I hear you whispering in bed, are you sure you're ok?"
i sighed deeply
"You may think I'm crazy but...I...hear voices in my head"

Mike stared into the dark corner of my room.
"I don't think you're crazy" he finally said "it could just be your guardian angel"
"But...its more then one voice" I said
"Well then I think you're crazy" mike chuckled "get some sleep bud" he said before leaving.

I finally slept after getting that off my chest.
This time I didn't dream anything.
It was just darkness in my head.
But then the bloody face of Sally come out the darkness and made me wake up sweating and scared.

I silently tip toped out of bed and got myself dressed.
"zack is that you?" Said a crackly voice.
At first I thought it was him but then...

I heard her crying.
"Zack, your d-dad is looking for you and sadly he knows about mike"
"H-how is that bad" I whimpered
"Zack...mike works at freddys"

A shiver went down my spine every time I heard that name.
"Find the weakness" mom repeated until her voice was only a whisper.

Find the weakness?
What weakness?

"Get up zack, school today!" Said mike banging on my door.
"Oh yea, sorry" I said packing my school bag.


Worrying about mike all day made me get in trouble for not paying attention. 
I looked outside the car window watching everything pass me at speed.

Just like my life.

"Cheer up bud, it was one day, you'll be better tomorrow" said mike
"M-mike" I stuttered
"Yes bud?"
"Do you w-work at f-freddys" I said making a chill go down my spine
"Yes, wanna come to work with me?"
"NO" I blurted out.
"Woah, I was just asking" said mike

I realised how rude that was.
Shouting out no.
"Sorry mike, I just don't like freddys"I said
"Yea me too, work there sucks" said mike still concentrating on the road.

When we finally arrived at mikes house, which I should start calling home, I ran upstairs and slumped on my bed burying my head in softness.

These ghosts have been annoying me all day.
I can't even understand them.
Most of the time they whisper all at once like something in a horror movie.
But every now and then they whispers things like "you can't" or "help us".

I eventually unpacked my bag and got changed to some pjs.
I slumped to the living room and fell onto the couch, feeling mike pat me on the pack.

"Life's sucks" I mumbled into the couch
"Agreed" chuckled mike as he flicked through the channels
"There's no point in living for me"
"Yes there is, you just have to find it"

That made me think.
I thought long and hard until my beau hurt and I started crying.
"Sorry, I'm just tired"
"It's only five"
I groaned and sat up on the couch watching mike flick through channels until he eventually stopped on some comedy show.

I think I fell asleep because next thing I knew was I was in bed.
I stared up at the clock and saw it was nine at night.
I sighed and lied on my back staring at the roof.
Something hit my toes.
I looked down the end of my bed and saw a box full on me toys.
"My stuffs here then" I whispered to myslef.

I heard mike sneezing in the other room-he has hay fever-and sighed even louder as I thought about how much my life stank right now.


Well he's half dead I guess.

Something poke my leg.
Then something poked my stomach.
I started panicking thinking it was him.
But then the pokes turned into playful tickles.
It felt like having millions of butterfly's lying in my stomach.
Soon, I was bursting out with laughter and couldn't stop.

"" I said between laughs.
"Enjoy it while you last" said a girls voice.
The tickling stopped.
I sprung up and looked around the room to see nothing but darkness.

I shivered and hid under my blankets but eventually came out when my breath made it too hot.

"Leave me alone" I whispered
"We want to help" said a chorus of voices.
"Help me when I need it" I said acting brave but on the inside, I was shaking.

These voices are a pain in my behind.
They made me feel mad.
Maybe I was actually sick in the head.

Screw it.
"Take me to a mental hospital mike" I thought "cause I'm gonna need it"

Obviously he didn't hear me but then I wished I hadn't said that because once a boy in our school got sent to a mental hospital because he said he saw the ghost of his uncle.

He eventually came back to school but he was cut up and bruised.
He didn't talk properly, he just stuttered.
And whenever we asks him what it was 
like in the hospital he just pulled his hair and screamed.

We came up with the nickname the stutter bug, which was a bullying thing, but I only went along with it because I didn't want to be left out.

I might as well kill myself.
It'll be easy.
I have nothing to live for anyway.
The voices are back again...

Haunted by the killer {a fnaf fanfic}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu