Fire Can Hurt...Let Me Save You

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Timon and Pumbaa crossed a field, Pumbaa's tail showing. They then hide behind a hollowed tree, "Tango-Charley-Alpha. What's your position?" Pumbaa looked confused, "Uhhh...Upright..." He then smiles, "head turned slightly to the left...tail erect." Timon sighed, placing his hand on his forehead, "Why do I bother?" He then fixed his sight on Dean, "Ah hah!"

Dean stalks some antelope, his back foot slipping over some rocks. The noise then alerts the antelope to Dean's presence, then they ran away. He sighed, following them. They then ran directly towards the two friends , "This must be where the deer and the antelope play." Timon said, him and Pumbaa hiding. The antelope then pass, leaving Dean standing over them. "Timon...what are you doing here?" He asked sternly.

Timon chuckles nervously, "! We thought a nice pelt for the den...some throw pillows." Pumbaa shakes his head, "a little potpourri." Dean looked away, his anger raging, "My father sent you. After he promised to let me do this on my own —he lied!" Timon sighed, shaking his head, "No...he just doesn't want you to get hurt." Dean looked at them, "I should have known he'd never give me a real chance." He then runs past them, breathing hard, "I'll do this on my own. Away from the Pridelands!" 

Timon tried to follow him, Pumbaa close behind him, "Hey! Wait! Come back! Oh...who can keep track of her? Dean—come back!" He then hops onto Pumbaa, still following Dean, "Oh...He's gone again! Someone's gotta get a beeper for this kid!"

As Dean runs to the edge of the Pridelands, Nuka and Vitani are watching, their sticks still flaming. "Let's light fire!" Nuka says as they make their way down the slope, Vitani laughing madly. Nuka beings to hop around in circles, lighting fire to the grass, "Roasty toasty prince...Roasty toasty prince!" He then stops, looking about, "Hey, is it hot in here, or is that just me?" He then realizes where he is and jumps out, yelping. Vitani catches him, "Grr...Come on!" She then begins to drag him off. 

The nearby antelope sense the fire and begin to run away. Dean notices this and runs after them, getting frustrated. He then notices the fire and beings to run the opposite direction, during this, Castiel and Zira are watching. Waiting for the right time, "The plan is in motion...Go!" Castiel then runs down the slope and towards Pride Rock, where Sam is, pacing about with Zazu, "Don't worry, Simba. He'll be fine. What could happen?" 

Sam then looks to the horizon and sees smoke, his eyes widen and his heart begins to race. "! Dean!" He turns to Zazu as he runs down the rock, "Zazu! Fly ahead. Find him!" Zazu nods and takes off. Inside, Sam was a mess. He knew it would be dangerous to allow him to go out, but he allowed it because he thought it was right. If Dean's not okay by the time he got there, he wouldn't know what to do. 

Dean looks about, fire consuming every angle he could possibly escape from. He then begins to panic, what would he do? He then sees a high rock, thinking he could get up there, he jumped. He had trouble, but got up. He fell, losing consciousness. He woke up long enough to see someone loom over him, baring their teeth before a world of black came over him again.

Castiel looks about, making sure Dean wasn't dead before he grabbed the nape of his neck and pulled him out of the flames. He jumped into a river, losing Dean who began to sink. He caught him and dragged him to shore, trying to catch his breath. Zazu was watching the whole event, "I must tell Simba." He said before flying away.

Dean then wakes up, gasping for air. He looks about, confused, "Where am I?" Castiel smiled, "You're the Pridelands." Dean got up, looking even more confused, but angry at the same time, "The! Why did you bring me here? Who do you think you are?" Castiel scoffed, giving Dean a look, "I think I'm the one who just saved your life." "Look!" Dean said, getting into Castiel's face, "I had everything under control." Castiel once again scoffed, "Not from where I'm standing." "Then move downwind."

Castiel then confronts Dean, Dean jumping from side to side. Soon, Castiel's interest became piqued, "What are you doing?" He asked, glaring down at him. Dean's face lit up with recognition, "Castiel?" Off to a side you could hear a faint voice, "Dean!" Sam jumped in front of Dean, snarling and growling, he then looked to the lion who had did the same, Cas? He thought, recognizing the coat of the light colored lion, "Dean! You're alright." Gabriel said, faking his concern for the lion, as he so called part called for.

Dean smiled, then looked to Sam, angry, " could you break your promise?" Sam looked to Dean, his breathing heavy, "It's a good thing I did. I almost lost you. No more hunts for you; not ever!" Dean scoffed, his anger showing, "But I was doing fine! Even before Castiel..." "Castiel?" He went to say thanks, but a roar came out. He wondered about it until a voice came into his head, No Samsquatch. You'll play your part or we'll never get out of here. "Simba?" Gabriel said, concerned about the new ferocity.

"Hey!" They all heard from behind them, "You! How dare you save the King's son?" Sam looked to Castiel, happy about the rescue, "You saved him? Why?" Castiel straightened up, looking at Sam with a humble look in his eyes, "I humbly ask to join your pride." Sam was glad, happy to have him come along, but he remembered his part and growled a bit, "No! You were banished with the other Outsiders." Castiel's humble look never left, "I have left the Outsiders. I am a rogue. Judge me now, for what I am...or am I to be blamed for a crime I didn't commit?"

Sam then began to pace, his mind thinking of the bad outcome to this. Gabriel gave him a hard look, "Simba," He said in a sweet little voice, "you owe him your son's life." Zazu nodded, landing in front of him, "Mmm...yes, sire. Clearly we are in his debt...and royal protocol demands that all debts be paid. Though in this case you might want to make an exception." Sam paced a few moments more and then came to his decision, "Hmmm. My father's law will prevail. For now, I reserve judgement. We'll see who you really are." 

Castiel smiled inwardly and looked sidelong to Dean, who smiled back at him. Zazu turned his back on Castiel, "Hmph! Riffraff." Sam and all the others, including Castiel, walked back to Pride Rock, Castiel growling to himself. He had everything going to plan...perfectly at that! But, of course, this little feeling that had begun to sprout would make it a problem. He needed to find the source of this and get rid of it, no matter what it was. 

Night then falls over Pride Rock. Castiel sighed, walking with the others towards the den. Sam saw this and jumped in front of him and growled, backing him away from the opening. Castiel sighed, giving up and laying outside. Dean smiled and walked over to him, "Hey...uh, thanks for saving me today." Castiel looked at him in confusion, "What kind of hunter are you, anyway...Prince? You could have gotten killed out there." "What?" Dean asked, slightly hurt by his remark. Castiel nodded, indicating what he said, "You wouldn't last three days on your own."

Dean scoffed, a little bit provoked by Castiel's little challenge, "Oh...and I suppose you could teach me?" Castiel smiled, "Heh...yeah." Sam walked to the opening of the den, shouting, "Dean!" "Coming!" He responded back, looking to Castiel afterwards, "All right—impress me. We start at dawn." He then trotted back to the den, Castiel chuckling and talking to himself, "I look forward to it."

Somewhere in the darkness, in the shrubs, Nuka and Zira sat, watching the whole event unfold. Nuka begins to speak, a little surprised, "Oh...oh..d-d-did you see that?! He let her go! If that were me—" Zira growled, "Hush! The fire-rescue worked perfectly, and Simba fell for it." She chuckled, "Now, the closer Castiel gets to the daughter, the closer he gets to Simba! And once he has Simba alone...rraaagh!" She then swipes a young tree from it's trunk. Castiel was so close! He couldn't fail now! But, the feeling in Castiel was growing strong and...well...he thought he may be falling for the prince!

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