Part 4

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I woke up feeling exhausted, probably because every time I closed my eyes the past few nights I had ended up replaying the events of Wednesday night in my mind; Eddies hands tracing the guitar strap on my chest, his biceps flexing as he strummed, the way his eyes beamed down at me with the most intense gaze. Sleep and I were not exactly on speaking terms.

I couldn't even escape my wondering mind in work as usual considering it was Eddies guitar I was working on. Thankfully it was Friday which meant my dad was also working in the store which gave me the majority of the day to work on Sweetheart in the repair room.
I had made a lot of progress- I had already trimmed off the splintered wood and started to shape the replacement neck piece by the time Robin had came in after her shift in the video store.

"So that was all that happened?" Robin asked pleadingly after I filled her in on the events of Wednesday night.

"Yes for the millionth time that's all that happened" I laughed "we jammed out a little, I showed him the progress I had made on his guitar and then he left"

"Was he good?" Robin said wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"Was who good?" A familiar voice spoke flatly.

"Munson, Y/N had a date with him Wednesday night" Robin teased poking me in the side, I glare back at her with wild eyes before I turned to see Steve leaning in the doorway, glaring back towards me.

"It was not a date" I blurted out, maybe a little too defensively. In truth I had no idea what it was, all I knew was that I had not stopped thinking about him since despite my best efforts to do otherwise.
Steve stayed quiet as Robin continued to laugh. I, however, was not in the mood for his judgements "Got something to say Harrington?"

"It's just-" Steve huffed "Eddie the freak Munson, really y/n?"

"The freak?" I asked confused.

"Sometimes I forget that you didn't go to Hawkins High" Steve sighed "he's a drug dealer y/n, he's failed out of high school twice now and he plays Dungeons and Dragons with children"

"You can say what you want but the dude can play guitar" I smirked, knowing that Eddie had more musical talent in his little finger than Steve did in his whole body "And you're hardly one to talk, aren't the majority of your friends 15?"

Robin started laughing and Steve just rolled his eyes "whatever, I'm just saying" he huffed "you should be more careful about who you're hooking up with"

"Are you joking?!" I snapped "first of all who I do decide to hook up with is absolutely none of your business and secondly I didn't hook up with Eddie!"

"But Robin asked if you thought he was good!" Steve recoiled.

"Yes you moron ! At GUITAR!!" Robin defended still laughing, clearly finding the whole situation hysterical.

I met Steve after Robin managed to get me a job at Scoops Ahoy last summer and what a summer that turned out to be. I still couldn't fully decide if I was glad that I got involved or not. I mean who wants to spend their summer almost getting killed by a mob of angry Russians and a strange spider creature made entirely of human flesh, but then again nothing could've been much worse than serving ice cream all day I suppose. Steve and I had a strange love/hate relationship. It started as jokey flirting to pass the time in Scoops Ahoy but it seemed to have just carried on ever since. It started mainly after Robin rejected him (for obvious reasons) and that's how I knew nothing would ever happen between us- I wasn't going to be anyones second best. Regardless, it was still entertaining when he got himself all worked up.

Sweetheart - Eddie Munson X Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now