The Battle

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I had Just opened my Locker to get my stuff to go home, I put my Lock in the locker and got my backpack. I took off my shoes, put on my boots and took my Jacket out of the Locker.

I was about to grab my Lock but I realized my best friend, Dontae had taken and Locked it.

"Dontae!" I yelled playfully at him, "Give it back."

Dontae Laughed and Passed me my Lock.

"I hate you." I said as I started to Unlock it. Just as I finished my other best friend, Tyler walked up.

"Hey." He said cheerfully.

"Hey," I said back, I passed him my Lock "Hold this, I know you won't lock it." I turned back to my Locker and picked up my book.

My brother had just come up and stand next to Dontae, the two talked while I put my Book and Agenda in my Backpack. I closed my Locker door and looked at Tyler, "Tyler can you lock it please."

I started to put on my Jacket, just as Tyler was about to Lock my Locker Dontae lunged at him and grabbed his hand with the lock, " REFUSE!!" He yelled as he tried to grab my lock again.

Tyler whipped his hand and shoved Dontae away but my brother started to help him, he pounced at Tyler.

I stood laughing for a few moments then dragged and restrained my Brother, "Come on Tyler." I laughed.

Tyler was trying to lock my locker but Dontae had set himself into it so when Tyler tried to close the door it wouldn't close.

My brother fought to get out of my arms as I held him back. Tyler still tried to pull Dontae out of my locker but he kept holding on and kept yelling, "REFUSE!!!"

"Someone heelp!" I yelled with a smile, " Can someone help get Dontae out of my Locker, I'm kinda busy holding my brother."

I bunch of people walked past us and a few of my friends said no to helping me.

My brother squirmed and got out of my arms he lunged at Tyler and almost got the lock but I grabbed him and pinned him against the floor, I couldn't stop Laughing.

Tyler had managed to rip Dontae out of my locker but was still having a hard time closing it from Dontae's constant attacks. 

I  got off my brother and helped Tyler I pulled Dontae away and tried to block his path back to Tyler, I quickly closed my Locker, " Lock it, Lock it, Lock it!!!!!!!" I yelled.

Tyler put the lock on the Locker but again got attacked by Dontae, Tyler held him off long enough that he was able to lock the locker.

"YES!" I yelled "we won!" I high-fived Tyler then went to get a drink of water. Tyler and my brother followed me. I went back to my Locker to get Dontae but when I did Dontae was laughing and waving my Lock in front of my face. He had unlocked my Locker.

"Come on Dontae lets go." I said.

"Fine." He laughed as he out my lock back on my Locker and Locked it.

Just as we were about to leave, one of my teachers came out of her class room, she was about to close the door but Dontae dived (Literally) into the classroom. my teacher looked at him and smiled.

Dontae groaned and crawled out of the classroom, he was still laughing. I laughed then started to leave again.

My teacher locked her door left too.

Tyler, Dontae, my brother, and I walked out of the school.

"I'm so going to write that on Wattpad." I said.

The Epic Battle To Lock a LockerWhere stories live. Discover now