The start of a new year.

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(A/N I wrote this for the original actress for Mildred but you can choose which one)

It is the start of the 4 th year at Cackles and as always Ethel and Mildred are already arguing. They haven't even got to school yet. They where fighting because Mildred almost crashed into Ethel. Enid and Maud where with Mildred but they got tired of the two fighting and went ahead of them.

When they arrived at Cackles they where still arguning and fighting while on their broomstickes. Miss Cackle was giving her usual speech to all the girls and staff, that was untill Mildred and Ethel came crashing through the air above their heads. The two of them started spiraling out of control and mildred started to slip of her broomstick. As she did she grabbed Ethels arm and made her fall onto Mildreds broom, while her broom zoomed off. Ethel had her arms draped over the broom with the rest of her body on the other side of it.

She grabbed Mildred with both hands and tries to hold her tightly and pull her up, but she failed. As they started to get higher and higher and more out of control than ever, they both started to panic. This made them both struggle to try and get control of the broomstick.

Suddenly, Ethels grip of Mildred became weaker as she sliped from her grip and she started to fall from the clouds. As Mildred is falling she has a feeling of regret. Ethier for all the fighting with Ethel as that had lead to this situation or was it something more that she wanted with Ethel as a friend or somthing more than friends.

Mildred was brought out of her thoughts by Ethel she had used Mildreds broom to fly down and catch her. So Mildred was currently in the arms of Elthel Hallow her greatest enemy. Yet she seemed calm and safe in her arms like she was always meant to be in them. When Mildred sat back on her broom she wrapped her arms around Ethels waist to stay on the broon as she was still shaken from falling. Well thats what Mildred told her self she did not know why she did it it just felt like the right thing to do at the time.

However, when Ethel saved Mildred she didn't realize how fast she was going but when they both noticed it is too late they were plumeting to the ground at tremendous speed. Mildred held Ethel tighter and buried her head into her chest thinking that this was the end. Ethel then looks down at Mildred with both fear and regret written on her face she moves her head to Mildreds ear and says "I am sorry!" the fear is present in her voice.

Mildred looks up into Ethels eyes and sees the honesty and humility she shows, she has never seen that before. Mildred found it calming to see her like that. Ethel looks into Mildreds eyes and sees the kindness and the love that she has for everyone in her life, the things that she would normally push passed and igore. This is suprising to her as shes never seen her like that, would never let her self see the true Mildred but also never show the true Ethel ethier.
(humility is when you have lots of things to boast about, but you also know that your not the best person in the room)

Both of them are brought back down to earth as they hit what feels like a solid wall, but it was actually Miss Hardbroom creating a magic platform for them to land a bit less harshly on. At this point everyone was staring at them both as they are beening lowered back onto the ground. Mildred and Ethel are in the same position as before with Mildred resting her head on Ethels shoulder and her arms wrapped tightly around her. When they see everyone staring at them they both blush a bright crimson red and hop of the broomstick.

Everyone is still staring at them with bemused looks as Miss Cackle gets everyones attention back on her. Miss Hardbroom starts to head over to the two witches with a furious look on her face.

The two girls are standing right next to each others with their shoulders touching. They look at the teacher heading straight for them and they both gulp loudly while thinking that they are in serous trouble.

Just as Miss Hardbroom reaches the two she transports them to the medical bay to get checked out. Miss Hardbroom checks them over and they are both ok just a bit embarrassed and confused at what just happened and what they were feeling.

But then came the lecturer!

Miss Hardbroom was furious with the two witches but not because of the scene that just un folded but because it was the fighting and arguing that coursed it.

"Well Mildred Hubble, Ethel Hallow what do you have to say about the disgraceful performance that you put on for the whole school?!" HB said with a furious and disappointing look on her face, her eyes burning into the eyes of the two witches. It is like she knew exactly who you are and what you are thinking.

"Um... sorry Miss Hardbroom I um... sorry" Mildred stutered out and looked at Ethel and HB then at the ground.

"Ethel!"HB pointed for her to answer.

""she looks at Mildred as if for help but Mildred just motions for her to continue. "I... it was um... just um"she looks at Mildred again this time begging for Mildred to help her. She was geting more and more nervous as time went on. "It was Mildred" she shouted quietly and quickly before going a beeper red and staring at the floor.

"Hay thats not fair! You are to blame too!" Mildred retaliated in the same tone. Ethel didn't look up from the ground she just looked guilty for blaming it all on Mildred. When they both helped to start the argument and worsened the situation. HB just looked at the two in disbelief that they are still fighting after they nearly died.

"Silence!" HB ordered the two girls heads snap towards their now enraged postions teacher with terror in both their eyes. HB has had enough of all the fighting everyone has.

"I do not care whos fault this is, the whole situation was escalated by all the fighting between the two of you" She says this in a very serious and intence tone.

"This has to end before it gose to fair and you both do something really dangerous" HB states trying to get through to them and scare them a little too.

"You both have detention for the next 3 weeks and you will have your cats confiscated for 3 weeks too" HB looked at them sternly to say that their was no debating this. Both the girls look at each other upset and a bit angry but they know that is fair. They both look to their potions teacher and nodded, they are about to leave when Miss Hardbroom says "just one more thing, I will be doing something different in detention today" she says ominously and has a slight smirk on her face which worries the to witches as they have never seen HB smile before.

"Um what do you mean different Miss Hardbroom?" Ethel says with both a questioning and worried look on her face.

"You will see, later." And with that HB disappeared.

Mildred and Ethel look at each other in worry but that soon turns to hatred, and they both leave.

A/N hope you liked the first chapter will try and update it regularly.

Millie xx

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