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Ever since Mildred ran out of the great hall I have been noticing that Mildred and Ethel have be very clingy, always cuddling and being close with each other with out the spell making them.

I remember the first time I noticed it with Ethel. All the girls were making a some what difficult weather spell as I wanted to test them to see if they are ready yet. But thats when it happened the girls started to cast the spell with a mix of success and failure. I knew that it could be dangerous if not controled so I gave all the girls a protection potion before hand. Most of the class had cast their spell as the room fills with all types of weather making the room very loud. Thats when I look over to see Ethel struggling with ethier the postion or the noise thats filling the room, I decide to go over to her. As I start to walk over there is a loud crash of thunder as a spike of lighting rips through the room coursing everyone to jump. However Ethel seems more effected by it as she is right next to it, I can see the tears prick her eyes as she starts shaking trying to walk back away from it. Their is another clap of thounder this one louder than the last cousing Ethel to jump in fear as she crumples to the ground. I go to try and comfort her on the ground, as I do I can see she is shaking violently, her breathing quickens becoming shallow as she rocks back and forth with her legs tucked into her chest. The other girls are still focused on their postions and the other weather enveloping the room. I bend down to place a reassuring hand on her back, as I do she jumps up with fear coating her face like layers of thick paint hiding the real Ethel as it takes complete control over her. When it does she runs straight over to Mildred hugging her tightly as she sobs into her shoulder, Mildred hugs her back even more tightly not asking whats wrong just holding her.

By this time the rest of the class have seen whats going on and are just watching them with confusion written on their faces, as Ethel is normally a strong person, will let nothing effect her. I decide to give them some privacy by dismissing the rest of the class. When the room is empty other than the two girls I go over to them to see how Ethel is. They are both sat on the floor still clinging to each other as Ethel crys into Mildreds neck as she trys to calm down. Ethel finally stops crying but for the rest of the day she doesn't speak of let go of Mildred once, which I find strange, as the week progressed Ethel became more clingy with Mildred did the same.

End of flashback.

In the staff room.
"Ada I think their is something wrong with Ethel and Mildred, they have been acting different resently, it's... un nerving" HB says with worry coating her face.

"I am sure you are just over reating it's just the spell thats making them get along, and after all is this not what you wanted. For them to stop fighting and become friends?" Ada says with confidence as she eats a biscuit.

"But Ada I thi..." HB gets cut off.

"STOP! I understand your consern but they are both fine they are both happier now and so is everyone else around them" Ada says dismissing HBs consern. HB walks away and sits in her chair with a thoughtful look on her face.

---------Tme skip to later that day----------

I have been thinking about my conversation with Ada all day, I've not been able to get it out of my head. I hate not being able to trust that Ada knows what she is doing. I mean I have no reason to doubt her it's just that I think there is something more going on with Mildred and Ethel. The worst thing is it might be my fault in the first place.

I made the decision to speak to some of the people that know the girls best their friends and family. So I decide on talking to Esmeralda, Maud, Enid and Miss Hubble, thinking it is better to leave Mrs Hallow as a last resort as her relationship with Ethel is well... shake at the best of times. Of course Mrs Hallow loves Ethel it's just she doesn't know how to show it.

End of POV

Potions lab with Esmeralda, Maud and Enid.

"So have any of you girls noticed anything strange with Mildred and Ethel" HB asks the girls with consern lacing her voice.

"Wel ye they have been really close this term but I thought that was just the spell you put on them" Maud says looking confused and throw by the question.

"I noticed that but I think it's good you know, now that they are not fighting it means that they can both foce on their studies and stop infurating every one around them with their constant arguing. That always ends in them both getting a detention and Mildred ranting to me about how annoying Ethel is, which then leads to her complaining about how pretty she is and her using complements to insult hheerr..."Enid says realising that she messed up by ranting to the other three witches.

" ye...I wasn't ment to say that...I promised Mil that I wouldn't say anything...soooo that means you ALL HAVE TO PROMISE TOO." Enid says with a commanding voice that shocks them all especially HB.

"Um...well happened, but ye I agree with Enid well not all of it...but the part where she said they are both happy which they are so whats the problem. Like seriously you all complained when they argued and know when they are getting along!" Esmeralda says with conviction as she knows that this is good for both of them.

"Well...I this situation I...urm leave I leave that is what I do" HB says lost for words as she transfers out of the room.

The three girls are left astonished that they made HB speechless.

For the rest of the night they all think about what HB said thinking that she might have a point but quickly brushing that thought away only to have it come rushing back, until they all fall into a deep sleep.

Millie xx

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