chapter 1 part 1

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narrator: the bad guys have just escaped the police and are on their way back to their place until they ran into you, quite literally.

your pov :

the sound of tires screech as the car pulls to a stop, but not soon enough, before I could react I felt a blunt, yet sharp pain in my lower area. I barely went anywhere because of the cars sudden halt, but the pin was still unbearable, I collapse and fall onto the hard pavement, a few animals rush out of the car to see if i'm alright, I mean, i'm clearly not. I can't even speak, but I still appreciate it. the animals I can make out are a wolf, a piranha and a spider, they speak but I can't make anything out, my head feels a bit fuzzy-

webs'(Mrs. tarantula) pov:

Mr. piranha: what the hell wolf!

Mr. wolf: Me!, he came out of no where!

me: oh god, oh god-

Mr. snake: what do we do?!

Mr. shark: we could take him back to our place, call an ambulance and pay them off to not tell anybody.

me: and what about him, when he wakes up he'll flip out, and, and. ah!, this is all a mess! we weren't suppose to hurt anybody!

Mr. wolf: we can keep him at our place until we come to an agreement.

Mr. snake: well then we better hurry.

*time skip*

your pov:

ugh, what the fu-

(you): ah!

???: hey it's ok, you're fine.

(you): i don't feel fine.

???: maybe it's because you got hit by a car.

i then come to and realise i'm with the group that ran me over, i take look around and i see what i presume are stolen goods. i also see the same wolf, piranha and spider. but now i see a snake and a shark as well.

(you): you're the people who trampled me with their car!

???: we're also the people who saved your life, after we hit you.

(you): who are you people, where am i?

Mr. wolf: i'm Mr. wolf, that's Mrs. tarantula, also known as webs.

webs: hey!

Mr. wolf: this is Mr. piranha.

Mr. piranha: what's up!

Mr. wolf: and over here we have Mr. shark, and my good ol' pal Mr. snake,

Mr. shark: hey there

Mr. wolf: and together we are the bad guys.

(you): hold on, WHAT THE FU-

end of part one

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2022 ⏰

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