She's a Harrington

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Word Count: 4k

Warnings: swearing, spoilers for season 4, mentions of the hospital, shitty parents,

A/n: This kinda loosely follows the events of season 4, I changed some stuff but, not too much I don't think. Eddie is older than Steve by like a year and so is the reader (so like y'all are 20). This is literally like just a stream of consciousness writing, lol sorry

Harrington!Fem Reader.


You were there when Chrissy died in Eddie's trailer, he grabbed your hand and pulled you to his van to get away from the scene. He drove a few miles away from Reefer Rick's, ditching his van and you guys ran. Eddie pulled you into Rick's shed and you guys hid under a tarp covered boat. You tried to sleep, Eddie would play with your hair to try and calm you down but, every time you closed your eyes you saw Chrissy's body floating to ceiling.

It was nerve wracking, it felt like you were waiting to be caught by the police. It was when you heard rustling outside that you started to freak out. Eddie subtly peaked out of the tarp and grabbed the closet thing to a weapon he could find, which was a broken beer bottle. 

It all happened so fast, Eddie jumped out of the boat, pinning your brother, Steve, against the wall with the broken beer bottle slightly pressed against his neck. You lied completely still underneath the tarp as you listened to the chaos.

When Eddie calmed down he pulled the tarp back and helped you get out. Robin and Max sighed, feeling relieved as they hugged you once you fully exited the boat. They told you how they were able to find you and they explained the upside down to you guys too. It was a lot to wrap your head around.

You asked Robin if your parents were okay or if they knew you were missing, she looked at you sadly and shook her head. You looked at Steve who was not-so-subtly glaring at Eddie, you didn't know if it was because only 10 minutes ago Eddie was holding a serrated beer bottle to his throat or if it was because Eddie was dating you or if it was because Eddie dragged you into this mess.

Steve had been trying to keep all of this bullshit from you for the past 3 years and now your secret boyfriend, Eddie 'the freak' Munson, dragged you into this. Despite you being a year older than him, he always felt the need to protect you, probably because it felt like your parents were never there for you guys, even when you were kids.

The gang finding you at Reefer Rick's led to you and Eddie cooking SpaghettiO's since your brother and friends hadn't brought you real food yet. You heard noise outside and after peaking through the curtains and seeing Jason fucking Carver followed by a few members from his team poking around, you and Eddie bailed. They followed you out into Lover's lake, one of the boys soon floated up into the air and died like Chrissy did just a few days earlier. Eddie paddled harder and faster, you guys got away from Jason and you ran to skull rock.

Once you got there, you and Eddie were exhausted, you made poor attempts to try and sleep, you guys slept in shifts just to be safe. You woke up and saw that Eddie was gone. You were panicking, your mind going to the worst case scenario, you paced around in front of the rock. Eddie grabbed your shoulder causing you to shriek, he placed his hand over your mouth quickly.

"It's just me, sweetheart." You turned around and wrapped your arms around him, instantly feeling relieved that he was okay.

"Where were you? I was so scared that Jason caught up to you." You placed your hands on the sides of his face, rubbing his cheekbones with your thumbs.

Eddie Munson imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now